Loblaws Canada Coupon Policy
Here is the Loblaws Canada coupon policy. It is valid at all Loblaws Banner stores.
1.0 Policy
Coupon zone coupons, LCL flyer coupons, LCL website coupons and President’s Choice Financial® coupons are all gladly accepted according to the terms and conditions printed on the coupon. Manufacture coupons are accepted for in store purchased items according to the guidelines listed in section 2.0.
2.0 Guidelines
- 2.1 The item being purchased must conform to the product details on the coupon including size, brand, quantity, co-purchased item etc.
- 2.2 Only Canadian coupons are accepted.
- 2.3 The expiry date must be valid.
- 2.4 The coupon must be presented at time of purchase.
- 2.5 A coupon cannot be redeemed against the “free” item in any offer where the customer buys more than one item to get one or more item for free (BOGO deals). Eg. Buy one bag of chips, get a second bag of chips free – a single coupon can be applied to the purchase of the two bags.
- 2.6 Coupons have no cash value.
- 2.7 If the coupon value exceeds the retail value of an item, the coupon value will be reduced to reflect the retail of the item.
- 2.8 All sales taxes are paid by the customer at the retail value of the product. Refer to 2.9 to see Free Item guideline.
- 2.9 The value of a coupon that offers a product for free will include the amount of any applicable taxes.
- 2.10 Home printed coupons from emails or websites are accepted in black/white or colour. Manufacture coupons must have a valid manufacture address on the printed coupon, expiration date and be completely legible.
- 2.11 Photocopies are not accepted.
- 2.12 Coupons are void if they appear distorted or blurry.
- 2.13 One coupon only per item purchased may be redeemed during each store visit, even if a limit statement is not included on the coupon. Coupon stacking is not allowed.
- 2.14 The Store Management reserves the right to restrict individual item purchase quantities to reasonable family limits.
3.0 General Information
- 3.1 Each coupon will be reviewed to ensure it complies with the details of the section 2.0 Guidelines. We appreciate your patience during this validation process.
- 3.2 Customers with excessive amounts of coupons in a single order may be asked to relocate to complete their order as a courtesy to our other Customers.
- 3.3 We may change this policy without notice at any time.
- 3.4 All coupon redemptions are subject to the policy in effect at time of redemption.
- 3.5 Competitor’s coupons are not accepted.
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bleh! does that mean no stacking at rcss?
Wow..that sucks. Seems as though, that as more and more coupons become available and accessible, the more the stores are revamping their policies to minmize their use. Guess I’ll be spending more time at Walmart superstore and my local independant grocer.
Subject: RE: 783036
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 15:17:49 -0400
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Dear Ms. Ash,
Thank you for your email.
I would like to apologize for the delay in responding, as I have only received confirmation on this issue today.
Essentially, a customer may use more than one manufacturer’s coupon up to but not exceeding the retail price of the item only if the coupon does not state limit one coupon per purchase. In the event the coupon states something along the lines of “buy xx save $xx.xx” and does not indicate any limits, one coupon needs to be presented for each of the number of units indicated on the coupon to obtain the savings indicated. Also, where a retailer accepts a manufacturer’s discount coupon for taxable goods purchased, tax is payable by the customer on the full price of the item unless the coupon entitles the customer to a free product.
Both a manufacturer and an in store coupon may be applied to an item – however, the combined value cannot exceed the retail price. (i.e. the customer cannot receive cash in return).
Online coupons should be accepted (as long as the coupon indicates the retailer will be reimbursed); the only time an online coupon is not accepted if there is communication sent regarding possible fraudulent coupons. Please note coupons that are photocopies are not accepted.”
We have taken the opportunity to share your comments with the Customer Service Manager, of the store to ensure that all staff is aware of the policy to help prevent a similar incident in the future. The value of your Aveeno in store coupon does not change from one store to another, and I apologize for the store not honoring the coupon. I would like to send you a $5 gift card as a good will gesture that can be used at your convenience in any of our banners. Kindly confirm with me your mailing address in order to process the gift card.
Once again, thank you for sharing your feedback. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any future questions or concerns.
Lavinia Bruzzone
Senior Customer Relations Representative I LCL Customer Relations
1 Presidents Choice Circle | Brampton | Ontario | L6Y 5S5
1-877-525-4762 Ext. 615836| F: (905) 861-2387 |
Thanks! I like that policy better. 😛
I agree that they need to change the wording on coupons as it is very confusing for the retailers.
I emailed them as well and I received a private call from a “Jocelyn from customer relations ”
She stated pretty much the same as Jen’s letter does. I did specifically ask if I could use a coupon zone + a manufactuers coupon on one item, she said I could as long as the total did not exceed the price ( resulting in cash back). I asked her for this in writing and she said that they were discouraged from sending things in writing because they have not “officially” come up with a coupon policy as of yet and things differ from province to province. Apparently this is why everyone is getting slightly different responses. I think I am just going to go over to my rcss when it is not busy and ask the manager what his policy is because since I only shop at one location his version of what the policy is what will matter.
I just emailed them once again(different email) this time only leaving me email as a form of contact and I asked very specific questions, about stacking , overages, etc . I will let you know what they say …
I’ve used coupon zone and manufacturer coupons together at No Frills and RCSS and have not had any problems, I hope I can keep doing it.
I have more problems at Walmart, and have just called the Head Office for assistance on there coupon policy.
orchidgirl – It is definetely confusing!
Christina – RCSS’s are not individually owned, so they have to go by what head office tells them. If head office says that you can use a manufacturer coupon AND a coupon zone coupon, then you can. It doesn’t matter what the manager says. 😉
Lattelady – I have never used both coupons at No Frills. I always forget that they are part of the Loblaws banner. I will definetely have to try it!
I received the same policy myself but I keep hearing of people stacking…
zehrs is part of the loblaws banner, and states they don’t accept printables and don’t stack coupon zone with manufacturers coupons.. I avoid shopping there now at all costs.
Christina – You can stack, but it has to be a manufactuer coupon and a coupon zone coupon. Not two coupon zones or two manufacturers.
Tabatha – Good idea!
I am a cashier at Atlantic Superstore and coupon stacking is NOT allowed. On the back of BOTH coupon zone and the manufactures it says it cannot be combined with any other offer. I had a customer yesterday who wanted to buy 12 things of Ziploc bags, with 24 coupons! Of course she was not allowed and got all angry about it, saying that is said on TV that she could.
We do not live in the USA, please stop being so cheap!
Jim – Folks who use coupons are not cheap, they’re frugal. Please don’t insult us.
I received this policy from Loblaws head office and they clearly state that a manufacturer coupon AND a coupon zone (store) coupon can be used together, on one item, regardless of what the back of the coupon says.
This is what i got back from the Superstore, do they change as they want or something? I know it’s the “Superstore” and not “Lowblaws” but it’s the same company wouldn’t they have the same Policy? They have the same address.
Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
Further to your inquiry regarding our corporate coupon policy, we do accept manufacturer and internet coupons however they must have “To The Dealer or Retailer” text on them. They cannot be past expiration and the cashier must follow the exact instructions as laid out by the coupon. The disclaimer “one per purchase” or “one per customer” means only one coupon can be used per transaction regardless of the number of units you are purchasing. If the disclaimer reads “one coupon per item” you would be able to redeem as many coupons as units you are purchasing per transaction. If any of the coupons you are redeeming (whether issued by the retailer or manufacturer) state “cannot be combined with any other offer” than you are not able to redeem a second coupon on that item or transaction.
If I can be of further assistance, please let me know and I will be more than happy to help you.
Geraldine KearnsSenior CSR I LCL Customer Relations
1 Presidents Choice Circle | Brampton | Ontario | L6Y 5S5
At Independent grocery store in Ottawa the Ziploc bags are on sale 2.99 and they have a instore coupon buy 2 get 2 dollars off, then i combined that with a buy 2 get to 2 free so you get 4 for about 4 dollars.
It was my first time combining coupons like that, so i was a little nervous about it and of course the cashier said ‘you can’t combine these’ so i said the policy and she said oh ok and that was it. And of course the Listerine was 4.99 with the 3 dollar coupons which made it 1.99. I did two seperate transactions so i doubled up, yay me!
I was thinking of trying something like extreme couponing but I can’t find any manufacturers coupons online or a way to get them from them on the sites. the 2 main stores near us are both under loblaws ( a sobeys and a atlantic superstore). I have a way to contact the store to check their policies but I can’t find any coupons anyone know of any sites ? I’d really like the coupons to be for low sodium/reduced sodium things as I’m supposed to watch that. but I heard about compliments on here and the scam and I really like the reduced sodium bacon.
I was just at Independent Grocer and i tried to do my usual instore coupon and regular coupon and i was shot down as usual but when i went to the ‘oh yes you can’, they waved a paper saying ‘not anymore’. All of Loblaws and affiliated companies have changed their coupon policies as of last week apparently…at least last week I managed to get some good deals while i could. I wish i could of gotten my hands on that paper. It’s a sad day 🙁
I would like you to know that I was at superstore in St. Catharines, ON this morning and the cashier would not accept my internet coupons for 50 cents off of the driscoll berries. She called the manager over and she said the policy had changed and no way was she taking them I tried to tell her that las t week No Frills took thwm and she got quite rude with me. She said that was there business but she wasnt taking them. Her name was Patty. I am 84 years old and have never been treated like that by one of you cashiers. I think your managers need to learn your coupon policy which I have a copy of before they become managers.
Thankyou Brenda Bell
24 Martin St
Thorold, On
L2V 3X2
Same thing with me today. Independent Grocery will not accept my printed coupon from the internet.
wanting to save as much money as possible is not being cheap , its trying to make the most of what little people have in today’s economy. I’ve worked in retail for 20 yrs and yes people try to abuse it ..i say to everyone customer and cashiers / management know your coupon policies review them on a regular basis .. all the best
I am shocked at those people that think that people using coupons are being cheap, Many of us have had to put our ego aside and try to make ends meet for our famalies, Not due to a lack of education or working but sometimes life throws an unexpected curve ball outside ones control and I feel rather than relying on a foodbank or welfar. e couponing at least couponing is a way to make ends meet without relying on the good hearts at the foodbank etc.
I just wrote a very long letter to Loblaws to complain about Zehrs in Brantford, Ontario (King George Road). The cashier was great about my coupons but she needed to call over a manager to approve of anything over $10.00 (I had 30.00 in coupons). When the manager came over she treated me horrible. She told me that Zehrs doesn’t accept photo copied coupons. I told her that they were from a printer, but she wouldn’t believe me. She keep saying that statement over and over again. Then she said she wouldn’t accept it because it was an US coupon. I showed her that it wasn’t–it’s the Oasis Juice coupon…mail into Quebec. Then she saw, Quebec and said…still no. I said, IT”S CANADA!!!!
The story goes on and on. She was so rude! Then she said, we are going to let you get away with it this time. That was when I blew my lost it. I told her that when someone is being honest with her, she needs to listen. It didn’t do any good. So, I wrote Loblaws and I’m waiting for a response.
I don’t know why people have to be so rude. All we are doing is trying to save some money on something that shouldn’t be so high.
I worked as a cashiers for many years at loblaws, even was a cashier trainer for 2 years. I was never told coupon policy, never really came up as we did not get a lot of coupons besides coupon zone ones. Totally understand when a cashier does not know policy…not his/her fault all the time
First and foremost the Real Canadian Super Store and Loblaws are two different stores. I know they both have coupon zone coupons but their different chains. No frills belongs with The Real Canadian Super Store side. When I visit The Real Canadian Super Store and No Frills their Coupon Zone coupons are the same. When I visit Loblaws theirs are entirely different. I believe one chain is owned by Dominion.
Regarding the stacking I have read the policy could someone please point out where it says that a coupon zone and a manafacturer coupon can be used on the same item? I’m willing to try anything.
I usualy shop at Walmart and I have walked away with getting paid $18.00 for visiting the store. When I do my large coupon hauls I usualy visit the supervisor and ask which till she wants me to go to. That prevents any arguments and keeps us on good terms.
Patricia: Loblaws banner stores no longer accept a store coupon with a manufacturer coupon. You can use one or the other.
I am slightly confused by the last comment about Loblaws banner. Does that mean that you can still stack the coupon zone and manufacturer coupons at Real Canadian Superstore and No Frills, but just not at Loblaws? I have found that if you are really friendly to cashiers that they will sometimes allow stacking at Loblaws. If you are doing a bigger haul with 10+ coupons, cashiers often don’t even realize you are stacking the coupon zone and manufacturer. The store is still reimbursed for both so I don’t understand why they are making such a big deal over coupons. Hello recession and HST!!!! You would think more stores would start being a little more lenient as many of us are scrambling to save money to compensate for higher rates of taxation. I totally agree that living frugal does not make you cheap and I resent people who roll their eyeballs at you in line for using 2 or 3 coupons!!! I have found myself feeling persecuted sometimes with the way people sometimes respond to you.
Michelle: Loblaws banner stores include No Frills, Real Canadian Superstore, etc. – so you cannot stack at ANY of those stores. Cashiers should not be allowing it.
Do any stores have double coupon days when the store doubles the face value of all coupons???
Anonymous: Only Pharmasave, and they don’t do that very often.
I was at a No Frills and the cashier said that you can only price match OR use a coupon. She wouldn’t let me price match AND use a coupon. Walmart lets you do this all the time. Is No Frills supposed to let me do both? Anyone else run into this at No Frills or Real Canadian Superstore?
Kathryn: It’s up to the store manager, but you should be allowed to do both.
For the Loblaws coupon policy does that apply to all Loblaws affilated stores like No Frill’s etc.
For the Loblaws coupon policy does that apply to all Loblaws affilated stores like No Frill’s etc.
heather: Yes, it does!
i am royallyconfused, i was just at loblaws with 3 coupons for save 1.50 on any scrubbing bubbles product and the cashier said u cant use the coupon more that once. i wasntstacking, i was using one per purchase item and she said u can only use one coupon in your entire transaction, that made no sense and she proceded to tell me shes worked there longer than ive been alive so id better not argue with her.it never said on the back of the coupon only one per transaction, what do i do….pricematch at walmart
You were right. Next time ask for a manager.
do they let you have more then one coupon on one thing
If they pull the whole you can only use one coupon per transaction (when really it’s per item purchased) then I say, Ok, ring me through the cash three times…or whatever… I am uber polite, and full of smiles…they usually cave and do it in one transaction to be done with me. Interpretation of these rules is very different. I had Rexal ring up the EXACT same transaction at 3 different stores 3 different ways…now that’s crazy. Polite persistance is key.
Do you know what the ad match policy is for Superstore? I tried to ad match there and they said they didn’t do that, only if it states the lowest price on the item in their flyer! I went on their website but could not find anything.
I called RCSS today and asked if I could use the new iPhone flyer app to price match and they said yes. Where are you located? It may be different where you live.
I once had a Superstore cashier tell me there was a limit of max $10 in manufacturer coupon savings per shopping trip (though their gas-to-groceries coupons don’t fall in this category). I don’t see a reference to that here. Are you aware of such a policy, past or present?
That $10 is not a limit to how many coupons you can use. It just means that if you use more than $10 worth of coupons in 1 transaction, you will need to get an override for every single additional coupon,
So you can use a MFR cpn + Coupon Zone at the same time on 1 product ?
Thet are very inconsistent with that , some let you but other don’t .
No, you cannot stack coupons (some people have been able to do this at select stores, but head office told me it is not allowed).
Curious. For example say I have 3 coupons for Tide liquid for 1.00 off each item purchased, can I in ONE transaction buy 3 tide products and use all three coupons (one coupon per item)? As the coupon says “per purchased item” not “per transaction”
Yes, you can do that. 🙂
Are you aware if you are allowed to price match at RCSS and use a coupon on the item you are price matching?
I went in on No Tax day to price match Aveeno Baby products with the Freshco flyer.. they said I could either price match or use the coupon but not both together.
I was disappointed..
Thank you.
You should be able to do both.
Thank you. I thought so too.. 🙂
If you have a ‘Coupon Zone’ coupon that states buy one ‘product A’ and one ‘product B’ save $3.00,
Can you use a MFR coupon on ‘product A’???
OR can you use a FPC (from company) on Product A???
If I have a $5 off coupon and the product is $2.99 will No frills give me the overage? I didn’t see that in the coupon policies.
We like to go to No Frills and price match most of our items and then use coupons on top of that. This is our weekly routine and we have never had an issue with coupons. So I went alone for the first time in a long time a couple weeks ago and price matched two tresemme hairsprays and used two printed coupons on top of that. We have done this particular transaction so many times but because my husband who happens to be very handsome was not with me they gave me a huge hassle and I was there for about 10 minutes while they whispered to themselves and looked at me like I had a third eyeball coming out of my face. He has also twice been able to get the 4 individual pack of Lactancia Butter price matched for super cheap instead of the regular size that was stipulated in the competitors flyer. Needless to say all of the managers were woman!
I have a question: Imagine I have 2 coupons to save 1$ on a box of diapers, 2 coupons to save a 1$ on a box of baby wipes, 2 coupons that saves 1$ when buying a box of wipes and a box of diapers together, 2 coupons that saves 1$ when buying 2 boxes of wipes, and 2 coupons that saves 1$ when buying 2 boxes of diapers. Can I buy 2 boxes of wipes and 2 boxes of diapers and use all 10 coupons? Based on my research, I believe so but wanted to ask an expert on this as I am quite new to couponing.
Also, one suggestion: I just tried out your shopping list for the first time… AWESOME 🙂 Would there be any way to add flyer page numbers to the list? I price match most things at RCCS and page numbers would speed up my process. Thanks in advance! Your site is super useful!
No, that is considered stacking and you cannot stack coupons at any Loblaws banner store.
Thanks for the idea about the match-ups print-out. I will keep that in mind!
I went to the RCSS today and was told by 4 cashiers and 2 managers that there coupon policy had changed. They told me that Loblaws no longer accepts any printed coupons, I find that weird since loblaws uses Smart Source to print there own coupons I am calling head office tomorrow but I just wanted to know if they were losing to me thank you.
If i have a bunch of different manufacturer coupons that were mailed to me through websites like save.ca, can I use multiple ones in a single purchase if they’re for different products? i.e. save $1.00 on any purchase of 2 dozen eggs, save $3.00 on any nivea soft cream, save 50 cents on any bounty paper towel rolls,—etc, etc—. If i buy all of these at once can i use all three coupons at once?
FYI: I am letting all of you know that No Frills as a SCOP policy.
SCOP= Scan Code Of Practice
What that means is that if No Frills cashier scans an item at another price then what it actually is on the tag, You need to mention to them that no this item is priced @ 3.99 instead of 4.99$,
The cashier will say ok I°ll go check , when she comes back she will most likely say you are right , I will give it to you for : 3.99 $ At that point you say no its under $10 so I get it for free. If she knows her store policies well she will just enter a code 33 and void the cost of the item therefor you get it for free. If she isn’t aware of the policies then she will most likely say I need to get a manager. I always say that would be great. I can say from my experience the manager comes and shows her how to void it so you get it for free then you finish the rest of your purchases.
Side note : If the item that you are purchasing is scanned wrong but is more then $ 10 , they then reduce the price of the item by
$ 10. Make sure you watch each item they scan @ checkout , I always do because I have always managed to get one item @ least for free because the scan it wrong.
I apologies for this long post but I have realized that a lot of people are not aware of this great way to save $. Hope someone found this helpfull
Cassie, here in Ottawa RCSS lets us use CZ and Manufacture coupon on an item…is this policy or is that just here. I have a cousin who just started couponing and they say they don’t do that and I don’t know what to tell her…is it written somewhere? I have trouble understanding the policy sorry..not very smart I guess.
Thank you.
Their policy states that they do not allow this, so you must just have a very coupon-friendly store. 🙂
Can coupons double in Fortinos or other canadian super-stores?
if so please list them in Ontario.
Can you use a store coupon and a manufacturers coupon together on a product (ie diapers)
In a product that I had purchased, there were 2 coupons for future purchases included in the box – one coupon in English and the other in french. The coupons are exactly the same, including the scan code. Tried to use them both at RCSS (bought 2 more of the product) and the cashier said they don’t accept the French one because it’s not in English (I’m in BC). There aren’t any stipulations on the coupon itself other than it is valid only in Canada. Do you know if this is part of RCSS’ policy?