What to do with extra coupons: New video
What to do with extra coupons
I just wanted to give you a little tip on what you can do with all of those extra coupons that you are holding on to but have no use for.
You can trade them with others, or here is something else you can do:
Become a coupon fairy.
If you’re not familiar with the term “coupon fairy”, let me explain. Basically a coupon fairy is someone that takes all of their extra coupons and they walk up and down all the aisles of their local stores, leaving coupons on the shelves for other people to find and use.
Let’s say you have a coupon for Depends diapers and you don’t need that product. Walk down the aisle that carries those Depends diapers and leave the Depends coupons right in front of the product.
Now, the next person who goes to purchase those diapers will see those coupons and will be able to use them on their purchase (a purchase they were going to make anyway).
I definitely encourage this. I think it’s a great way to pay it forward with your couponing habits.
Of course, you could always pick up items yourself and donate them, but if you don’t have time for that, I suggest being a coupon fairy at least once.
A lot of people who do decide to do this actually bring their coupons out right around when they’re going to expire, just so that they don’t have to throw them out. This is what I usually do as well.
Please consider giving this a try. If you have coupons that are about to expire, or you just have a bunch of coupons that you don’t need, bring them with you on your next shopping trip and leave them behind for other shoppers.
I totally do that.. I have been luck to find coupons this way so i have always given back 🙂 but I love how you call that coupon fairies. ! YAY I am a fairy. lol
Have often heard this referred to as RACK (random acts of coupon kindness). I do this a lot – especially if dates are close or if the shelf coupon is not as good a deal. Really catches people off guard but that is part of the fun 🙂
When the free Milk was going on I printed 10 and because I could only use 6 I gave some to a family I saw! They were SO APPRECIATIVE! The lady also said “I feel like I am on extreme couponing or something! Where are the cameras?” It was very cute and funny.
I like to do that with pet coupons (I have no pets) and with health and beauty coupons I don’t use. Yesterday I was at Walmart and saw a couple picking up 2 bottles of Head and Shoulders shampoo, I gave them two $1 off coupons and told them they could have them. They were really thankful and it felt good to be able to help someone else save some money. If someone did that to me, I would be so happy!
Yep, I’ve been doing this for years. Except now I have a name for it (coupon fairy). Guess I’ll have to change my name to Pixie & spread pixie dust all over the coupons I leave for someone else
I like to do this with diaper coupons (I don’t have any kids). Diapers are so expensive, and having a new baby is pricey anyhow. I have had many a grateful parent in line when I hand them high value diaper coupons, and I get to see the new babies this way! Win-win.
When I was a Macy’s in the states, they had their regular $10 off when you spend $25 before Saturday noon. I found some great bargains (up to 80% off prices, but only had one $10 off coupon.
As I was talking to my friend, a woman overheard me. She gets coupon offers mailed to her home. She said that she was leaving and here’s another $10 off. I spent $50, got $20 off and a TON of nice clothes.
Now THAT’S a coupon fairy! : )
Just the other day when I was out grocery shopping I left a bunch of baby wipes coupons and slip on diaper coupons in front of the displays. They were about a week away from expiring and the wipes were on sale so I hope someone got a good deal
I do a little something like that when were shopping we look to see what others have and offer them coupons. It shows the kids many diffrent things from saving money, helping others, being involved, getting to know people around us …ect.
I have done this a few times too! I was in Wal Mart a couple of times and left some for Pine-Sol near it and then saw in line that a lady had Dempter’s Bagels, so I went up and gave her a few! She was so thankful! It really does feel good when you do this type of stuff! 🙂
I always peak at what people in front or behind me in line are buying. If I have a coupon for something in their cart, I hand it over. A couple of times I’ve gotten a funny look, but always a ‘thank you’. It’s fun!
I do it too, but I refer to it as practising ‘coupon karma’. More than once I’ve been the recipient of a fellow couponer’s sharing of the wealth, so I’m only too happy to spread it around!!!
I have done this on occasion, but promising myself to do it more. Most times, I keep my eye out for a senior who has things in her basket that I can help out with. They are most often on a fixed income trying to make ends meet and are very happy to get savings wherever they can.
Sometimes a local food bank will take coupons too.
I like to do this for baby products that I don’t use/need. I know how expensive diapers and formula are, so I make a point to leave any unused coupons by the product. If it’s a higher value coupon for something that I really don’t use/need (usually air fresheners and household products), I’ll leave that too.
I almost always have tons of coupons I can’t use..I always offer my mom first pick and then whatever is left I leave on the shelves with the item. When the free milk was going on ( and it still is at price chopper…not 100% if they all take printed coupons or not) I printed about 15 of the coupons, and I printed so many specifically so i could hand it out to families and what not at the store. it was nice…I caught a lot of people off guard that day 🙂 I ended up bringing home about 10 cartons of milk and gave most of them to those I know could really use it….I never thought of it as being a coupon fairy though… I have been on the receiving end of this numerous times and I like to pay it forward.
I give my coupons to co-workers and people who actually want to use them, I don’t leave them on shelfs in stores because I bet the poor people who work in grocery stores and make minimum wage aren’t happy they have to clean up the coupons that are left everywhere every night.
My best coupon fairy experience was last year in Walmart. A new teen mom was in the baby section with her baby & mother with a shopping list & budget and discussing what she could afford to buy this shopping trip for the baby. She wasn’t able to afford all the items on her list. I got out all my baby coupons and politely interupted & offered up coupons. Her mom asked me how I collect coupons and I was able to give her website info on coupons, baby freebie websites, etc. They were so thankful. She was so happy that I was able to help her & her daughter make their money go further. It made me feel so good that I could help this family too.
I have been the recipient of a coupon fairy and was soooo excited. Since then I’ve passed it forward!
I didn’t know it had a name (coupon fairy), but I have left coupons on the shelves at stores as well as taking some to work. I will have to check into coupon trading. Thanks for the info.
I have been a ‘coupon fairy’, although I didn’t know it was called that, for many years now. I got the idea from watching Oprah, she said she used to do this in stores. I know it makes me feel good but the best experience was once when I was at Dominion and there was a young couple with a baby ahead of me in the checkout. They were purchasing Nestle baby formula and I had a $5.00 cpn and no use for it, so I excused myself and asked if ‘mom’ would like the coupon. Needless to say, she was quite glad to take the coupon and used it right then. She asked me where I had received the coupon and I gave her the website, hopefully she contacted them so she too could get coupons.
I have received the blessing of a few coupon fairies over the years. I have the intention of doing this myself, once I become less of a target shopper due to my crazy little boys. It has always made me smile and be thankful. A big thanks to all those coupon fairies out there!