How to Save Money » Frugal Living

3 easy ways to save on baby stuff

Are you looking for ways to save on baby stuff?

If you’re like most parents, it’s likely that you are.

Here are 3 easy ways to save money on items for your bundle of joy:

Buy used

Purchase used for as many baby items as you can.

You can find fantastic bargains on clothing and toys at yard sales and thrift stores. eBay is another great resource for used goods.

The only items you don’t want to buy used are a stroller, car seat and crib. Those are things you want to invest some money in since they will be used heavily.


Do you know someone with kids? If so, there’s a good chance they have baby items that they no longer need.

Ask if you can borrow those items until your child(ren) no longer need them.

Great items to borrow include play mats, change tables, bassinet, bouncy seat, and crib mobile.

Be sure to pay it forward the next time a friend or a family member needs baby items!

Buy in bulk

When it comes to things like diapers, wipes and formula, a great way to save is to purchase these items in bulk.

Consider shopping at a wholesale store, such as Costco, to pick up these items.

In addition, watch the sales at your regular grocery and drug stores. There are always coupons available for baby items and when matched with a sale, you can often get these necessities inexpensively.

These are 3 simple ways that you can save money on baby items.

Don’t believe the myth that babies cost you thousands of dollars every year. By being frugal with your purchases, you can easily save quite a bit of cash on the things you need to buy for your child.


  1. Kris

    Completely agree that buying used is the way to go for many items – things are used/fit for such a short time, a lot of used items are in fantastic shape! I actually bought a stroller used, it was a $300 stroller for $40. And it had been used exactly twice, so was in perfect condition. Agree that was a bit of a find and would be hard to repeat.

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