Where to Find Tear Pad Coupons in Canada
Have you ever tried to find tear pad coupons at your local grocery or drug store and walked out empty handed?
If so, you’re not alone. Thankfully, you can still find decent tear pad coupons in Canada.
Unfortunately, coupon tear pads are hard to find these days (I’m totally blaming Extreme Couponing for that!). When you do find some, they’re likely for products you really have no interest in purchasing. All of the “good” coupons are often completely gone within the first week that they are put out (sometimes they are gone faster than that).
Reasons Why You May Not Able to Find Tear Pad Coupons
- You are looking at the wrong stores (check out the list below for the best stores to find coupon tear pads).
- You are not looking for coupons often enough.
- Other people are rudely taking way more coupons than they need (either for themselves, to trade or to sell on eBay).
If you want to find more tear pad coupons, you have to be diligent about how often and where you are looking for them. Since couponing has become so popular lately, everyone and their mother is out looking for coupons. And since tear pads are (or, were) some of the easiest to find, that’s what they look for first.
It’s very rare that I can walk into a grocery store and find a bunch of tear pad coupons. If I’m lucky, I might find 2 or 3 new ones, but that’s about it. Rewind a few years ago and tear pad coupons were everywhere. It was not uncommon for me to find 10-12 new tear pad coupons at one store.
How to Find Tear Pad Coupons
There are two ways that you can find tear pad coupons. You can search for them yourself or you can trade coupons with others who may have been able to find them before you could.
If you want to try to find coupon tear pads yourself, I recommend searching for them at the following types of stores:
- Health food stores
- Stores with higher prices.
- Specialty stores (Asian and Indian markets, for example)
Avoid stores that don’t fit with the list above, as they get more foot traffic (which means you won’t have as much luck finding coupons there).
List of Stores to Check for Coupon Tear Pads
Grocery Stores:
- Sobeys
- Metro
- Highland Farms
- Logos
- Foodland
Health Food Stores:
- Whole Foods
Specialty Stores:
- Rabba
Drug Stores:
- Shoppers Drug Mart
- Rexall/PharmaPlus
I recommend looking for tear pad coupons at least once per week, if you can manage that, because you never know when there will be new ones in store (personally I have had the best luck at the beginning of the month).
Don’t forget about couponing etiquette when you do manage to find tear pad coupons. Only take what you will use, and leave some behind for other shoppers. Please do not take entire tear pads full of coupons!
People really sell coupons on ebay?
I was in Shoppers yesterday and I found tear pads for:
Noxema products
lever 2000
this is the most I have ever found at once
I have also seen some at Loblaws and ValuMart. I work at a ValuMart and (at my location) there is a stand at the front of the store with all the tear pads available throughout the store aswell as where the items are too!
P.S. I believe Loblaws and ValuMart are ‘joined’ with Sobeys and other stores. They carry similar products and similar sales (although ValuMart is smaller and does not have as much). I wouldn’t be surprised to see others that are associated with them to have the tear pads (and similar promotions), like SuperStore.
Hi Trudi, which Shopppers Drug Mart did u go?
I find that Sobey’s and Shoppers are the best. On the weekend Walmart surprised me by having 3 new ones! Dove Style +care, Garnier Fructis and Tide book(that had tide, Downy unstoppables and Bounty).
I went to zehrs and was so sad to find the booklets of pedigree still on the shelf with all the coupons ripped out of the back of the booklet!!! I find people are crazy rude about taking the amount of coupons and leaving the “scraps” without coupons behind.
There are coupon on ebay. I personally find it good as I can buy multiples of coupons that no one will trade me. That is just my opinion though.
Nancy it was in Fort Saskatchewan, AB
Yeah, I can’t believe people actually sell coupons on E-Bay, either. If no one bought the coupons from them, they would have to stop selling them, wouldn’t they? Then they would leave us some on the shelves! :>)
Real Canadian Superstore and Lablaws tend to have a whole wall of tear pads as soon as you enter the store (in the GTA) . This is such a time saver – you just scan the board and grab the ones you need.
These coupons however can only be used at President Choice stores (including No Frills).
I hope this is helpful for some of you!
PS – I love this website
The people that sell coupons on ebay or take stacks of tearpads are probably like the lady that comes to my townhouse complex and steals all the coupon booklets from every single newspaper on delivery day!! 🙁
but really, it’s stupid to sell them. You’re going to make $0.04 on a $0.75 coupon? It will cost you more to mail it to the buyer.
It makes me so angry when people take all the tear pad or steal all the inserts from papers. Any way now that that is out of my system I find all my tear pads at Shoppers or Metro. Wish there were more. sooooooooo sad
I never see any in shoppers or sobeys and I shop alot lol they must beat me to em. LOL
And yes, they do sell them on ebay. If you go onto ebay and type in coupon you would be surprised the kind of money they make from them. I saw one person bidding $10+ for 10 1.00 off coupons for crest pro-health rinse. crazyness…lol
Longos also have tear pad coupons on occasion. The most coupons I have ever taken at one time was 10, but it was a product that I purchased almost every week and I used them for my own household. If you watch programs like Extreme Couponing you will see that some people have taken whole coupon tear pads for themselves. To me, that is greedy and wasteful! I don’t see how there is any possible way that someone could use a whole tear-pad worth of coupons for normal household consumption of a product before the coupon expiry date. Even if they were stockpiling, I think that some of the coupons would be left unused, a savings that could have benefitted someone else.
And, Nacho, yes I have seen coupons available on E-Bay.
I was in Walmart yesterday and they had a tear pad coupon in the make up area for 3.00 off aveeno products.. I grabbed 5 and bought 5 products.. My daughter uses Aveeno all the time. 🙂
It’s actually illegal to sell a coupon so they found a way around it and they sell their “time” to collect coupons. It’s still crazy and completely the reason why all the tear pads disappear so quick.
It’s actually illegal to sell a coupon so they found a way around it and they sell their “time” to collect coupons. It’s still crazy and completely the reason why all the tear pads disappear so quick.
I so agree that it’s harder to find coupons then it was last year. Extreme couponing has affected this, but also site that let people know where they have found coupons. I have stop doing that, because as soon as I shared, within the next few days there was NONE left!
I take only as many I will likely use. However, I do not blame people; the coupons are there for the consumer. My feeling is that the consumer has certainly become more savy because of such shows as extreme couponing, while sites such as these (Mrs.January) continue to provide information and awareness; something that we all should have these days. Prices are continually going higher on food staples, while the amount of money going into marketing more new products for the consumer to purchase is outrageous. I buy what I need now, look for good prices, and yes use a coupon if I have it, but staying away from packaged goods just because they are a good price. As far as coupons are concerned, I will continue to use the ones that meet my family health/food needs and not be driven by consumerism. Once you become aware of couponing, they are everywhere….keep your eyes open, and check back from time to time if all the coupons are gone (stores do replenish a few times).
Nacho, the people who sell coupons on ebay make alot of money doing it. When you buy from ebay the buyer pays the shipping! I refuse to pay for coupons, that defeats the purpose of trying to save! =S
I would probably find more tearpads if I was actually looking for them. I will try to remember when I am out next.
Usually if something is illegal on ebay, ebay will take down the listing. My husband listed a really old bootlegged copy of a Thin Lizzy concert, and it was taken down fairly quickly. That was when we learned that selling bootlegged copies (even if you were not the one who made the copy) is illegal. OOPS!!! So, not sure that selling coupons is actually illegal if ebay is allowing it.
Look for tear pads where stores have new “cardboard” displays for new products. These are usually placed on end caps or on stand-up floor displays in the aisles. Sometimes there may be an informational pamphlet with the product display and the pamphlet will contain a coupon. It’s not obvious that there’s a coupon in there so they’re worth checking. These are commonly found in pharmacies (recently found a display for Abreva and pamphlet had a $3.00 coupon inside) and beauty products, ie hair colour. Also check recipe pamphlets with products, you’ll often find coupons in there as well, Campbell’s and Knorr sometimes offer these.
I have seen tear pads in my local Fortino’s Grocery store, but as you mentioned, I have rarely have seen any for the kind of items I’m interested in. I’ll have to keep my eyes open & try some of the other stores you recommended. Thanks for posting!
I know certain ones who take the whole pad only to throw out the left overs when they expire…what a shame! Thats money down the drain. Someone else could have benefited from that savings! Lots of greedy people out there!!!
I find tear pads all over the store I use most. t is a Foodland. I occasionally hit the Independant out the east end of town, but that means driving out instead of just walking across the street. They have a board right inside the door and I will check it on the way in. I check the sheets that have recipes too as they often have coupons inside.
My local Atlantic Superstore has their coupons all conveniently located in one place — right up a the front, on a board. The only problem with this is that they only feature the coupons they provide and they don’t post any manufacturer’s coupon tear pads. That bugs me, but at least I’m not frantically searching for them.
I have bought and sold coupons on Ebay, and I think it’s great!! Purchase the ones you need only if you know that it will work out to be a great deal for you. Sell coupons you cannot use, and I would never take excessive amounts from tearpads for this. I do have a very good supply of inserts from a favorite recycle bin, and the extras I like to give away or sell. I like to purchase tearpad coupons from others that I am not able to find in my area.
Cassie, I remeber reading one of your posts quite a while back recommending to look for coupons on Ebay, do you still agree with that?
I have bought and sold coupons on Ebay, and I think it’s great!! Purchase the ones you need only if you know that it will work out to be a great deal for you. Sell coupons you cannot use, and I would never take excessive amounts from tearpads for this. I do have a very good supply of inserts from a favorite recycle bin, and the extras I like to give away or sell. I like to purchase tearpad coupons from others that I am not able to find in my area.
Cassie, I remeber reading one of your posts quite a while back recommending to look for coupons on Ebay, do you still agree with that?
Hi This question goes out to anyone. Does anyone know where to find recycle bins for inserts? I keep looking around my town and don’t see any.
Theresa: It depends. I don’t recommend purchasing tear pad or insert only coupons, simply because most of the people that sell them have stolen them (not everyone, of course!), and I don’t think it’s right to support that kind of behaviour by purchasing the coupons.
However, purchasing a big LOT of coupons (from various sources – save.ca, inserts, tear pads, etc.) is fine and I think it’s a great way to collect many coupons for a small price.
I find them at No Frills and FreshCo. on a regular basis. Usually in the isles of Sauces and Cleaning products. Best of luck ladies!
I’ve had luck with the Coupon Zone at our Independent as well as usually finding the same tearpads posted right by the product in the aisle. The RCSS at the other end of town has also been really good for posting coupons in both locations but is too far away for regular checking.
I do find that “good” coupons disappear quickly from the Coupon Zone. I picked up some Crest coupons during a quick trip last Thursday and I counted four tearpads of them. When I went back for my regular shopping on Saturday, all of the tearpads were gone.
Unfortunately, that’s what I see, too at RCSS. 🙁
Janice, which RCSS do you mean? I’m an Aussie in Vancouver and new to the whole coupon thing – do you think the RCSS locations we have here would have coupon tear pads?
I always get the majority of my tear pad coupons at my local Independant store on a board loaded with various coupons at the entrance.
Yes, they have lots!
Superstore. Giant board of ’em before you even enter the store!
there used to be a giant board in our local store but all of a sudden it’s GONE and it hasn’t returned…so disappointed!!
Oh no, that sucks!