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Real Canadian Superstore – Price Match Policy

Real Canadian Superstore Price Match Policy.

Real Canadian Superstore Price Match

Here is the price match policy for Real Canadian Superstore:

Real Canadian Superstore Price Match Policy

Show us a lower advertised price on an identical item and we will match it. Applies only to our major supermarket competitor’s print advertisements in Ontario (i.e. flyer, newspaper).

We will match the competitor’s advertised price only during the effective date of the their print advertisement.Our major supermarket competitors are determined solely by us and are based on a number of factors which can change from time to time.

Identical items are defined as same brand, item type (in the case of produce, meat and bakery), size and attributes and carried at this store location.


We will not match ‘multi-buys’ (e.g. 2 for $4), ‘spend x get x’, ‘free’, ‘clearance, discounts obtained through loyalty programs, or offers related to our third party operations (post office, gas bar, dry cleaners, etc.).

We reserve the right to cancel or change the terms of this promise at any time.”


  1. amanda

    whaaaaat? Superstore price matches????? My….life….is /…..changed!!

  2. Lauren

    I love superstore but don’t go there unless I need a specialty item. I hope because it seems like a newer policy the cashiers aren’t calling managers over about ever little thing

  3. Tracy

    Superstore will only match for a maximum of 2 of the same item, and they will only accept a maximum of 2 manufacturer coupons to purchase same items and of course no stacking it is one coupon per item purchased…

    I found this out the hard way when I shopped RCSS the last time just before Christmas. I checked their coupon policy on line before heading out to the store, printed it and took it with me. When I checked out I had 4 tubes of toothpaste (they make great stocking stuffers)… RCSS had A&H toothpaste on for $1.67/tube, and I had 4 coupons (actually I had 15 which exp on Dec 31/12 so I played coupon fairy and left the rest of them on the shelf)… they only allowed me to purchase two tubes with coupons so I had to leave the other two behind. There were several other items that followed suit.

    I spoke to the acting store manager (at 11:00pm) and they would not budge. The exact wording of their coupon policy states “they reserve the right to limit coupon quantities to reasonable family limits.”… I did not clear off any shelf, but apparently purchasing 4 tubes of toothpaste for stocking stuffers for a family of 4 is unheard of!

    I just thought I would pass this along. I have found superstore to be incredibly hard to shop at. They have left a bad taste in my mouth everytime I have shopped there in the last 6 months, and this was by far the worst (as I thought I had covered all of my basis and was following their policies to the letter… )

    I love your website and your regular emailed updates. It makes my day, and has REALLY helped our family to maximize the stretch for each dollar out of pocket! Thanks for all your help!
    Blessings to you for a great 2013!
    Tracy Wilton

  4. ashley

    Sure, they price match…but only on limited things, and their rules seem to change constantly. You can’t price match on “Club Card” items (ie. safeway club card prices), BOGO’s, etc. It makes it frustrating, because it’s constantly different so I have to check in at customer service all the time to see what that particular store will or will not price match on!

  5. Linda

    You guys are big crooks.Your staff is so unprofessional.I checked out your super store in Mission for my eyeglasses and the lady working there knew nothing about what she was doing.I would never recommend anybody buying glasses from super store.Her attitude was totally out of line and she didn’t seem to know what she was doing.

  6. Emily

    I used to love Super Store but recently the staff have been terrible when it comes to the use of coupons, price matching and sales. I have been told 2 different price matching policies from two different employees within 2 weeks. At first I was told they would price match up to the limit specifed on the competitors flyer, and if there was no limit specified then 4. However I went back yesterday and brought my sobeys flyer for kd with a limit of 12, and it seems another emoloyee now has a polciy. The new policy says they will only price match a product if it is not on sale, and up to their sale limit. Which to me doesn’t seem like price matching at all but rather just being difficult. It was very frustrating and made me think again about being a loyal customer there if that is the way they treat loyal customers.

    • BJ

      That is so odd. They won’t price match if it wasn’t on sale? The reason these items are put on the flyers in the first place is that they’re on sale.

  7. Beth

    I am not sure what Superstore you have all had problems with but I have never had an issue at the one in Oshawa. I have purchased 6 or 7 of the same items and used coupons and they have never refused them. I hope I never have a problem like the ones here….sorry about your hassles 🙁

  8. Laura

    Superstore price matches Pull-up diapers from Wal-Mart one day but won’t the next… very disappointed and will not be returning as there is no reason to drive across town only to find out that I’ll be charged more.

  9. Summer

    Inconsistencies with the cashiers make it difficult to shop at the superstore. They enforce policies as they wish – which makes it difficult when you’re at the cash already with goods in hand. For example, I’ve priced matched anywhere from one to 15 items which they would do. But once in a while, they say there is a limit to the number of items that can be price matched. However, this is NOT TRUE! It depends on the cashier. Those cashiers are typically road tripping. In that case, I’d move to a different cash. It just makes the whole experience very annoying and super inconsistent.

  10. Sara

    I price match at the Grimsby store all the time and never have an issue with quantities. I have also combined with coupons and again no probs.

  11. mary

    does anyone knkw if they will accept the flip app? Thank you

    • Crystal Murphy

      yes the one in Orleans Ontario will ..

  12. Dan

    My experience with the Midland ON location has been that they will accept advertised prices on the Flipp app

  13. Bob

    Kingston NS store said they would only match front page items – does anyone actually understand the price match guarantee?

  14. Couponsweet

    The closet Superstore to me is on st.catharines, I have had issues every time I go. The one manager that does the coupon overrides gives additude over every coupon I use in fact every coupon I have used is an issue non-coupon educated staff member. So instead I just shop when she is not working. Less stress but still sucks that I am avoiding her like the plague.

  15. Kathy

    The stores in London and St Thomas are awesome. Consistent policy and friendly staff. They price match 4 items from any local major competitor and I have never had any problem.

  16. Rose

    They would only process match 4 lunch mates (max 4 items?)…wasted time…I should’ve just went directly to fresco where the item was on sale

  17. Carol

    After reviewing the policy I would like to know if the item has to be in “print” or will they accept electronic proof?

  18. Jeanette Blair

    I have never had any problem price matching at Real Canadian Superstore. Have used Ajax and Scarborough Town Centre. What I like is that match all the Loblaws branded stores.

  19. rose

    i tried to price match at the gibb street oshawa superstore yesterday 9 september 2019 at the express desk and because i thought that i could have 4 of each item which 2 days previous i had price matched she got really rude when i said that i had no problem 2 days ago price matching 4 of each item. i shop at this store all the time but will avoid shopping there because of her rudeness.

  20. Patricia Greco

    It would be nice if one cashier lane was devoted ONLY for price matching.
    I have been in lines where a customer with a full cart price matches everything,
    and everyone behind them has to wait. The price matchers tend to talk back and forth
    to the cashier as well. I realize they are entitled to price match, but it’s at the expense
    of other customers who have to wait and wait.

    Also, cashiers should remind ALL customers about optimum cards. Sometimes
    they ask, and sometimes they don’t.

  21. Len Harrison

    Does RCSS match valu-mart prices?

  22. Monique

    Does RCSS price match Giant Tiger flyer prices?

  23. Toronto q

    Would Superstore price match Shoppers drug mart?
    A Saturday Sunday only sale at shoppers?

    Wish there was something In stone that I could bring and show the cashiers the price match rules.

  24. Melanie Makinson

    Well I just tried to price match a kurig coffee maker at superstore and I was denied and was given no reason why. I had the flyer from Wal-Mart and it was the same product. So tell me why?

  25. Gail

    After reading some of these comments, I too had a very similar experience trying to price match coffee at the RCCC. By the Scarborough Town location, the first cashier was very rude and said she needed to see the exact size of the coffee package (and unfortunately the ad was blurred with the sizing). She refused to price match. I then went to another cashier, who was very kind and didn’t question the sizing. There isn’t any consistency with the price matching, as it depends on if you get a nice cashier or not.

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