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11 Creative Chore Charts Kids Will Love

I still remember my mom making hand-made chore charts for us a few short decades ago [gulp]. By adding her tiny hand-drawn images, the charts went from blah to interesting. Can’t wait to show you the colourful, graphics that chore charts now offer. Definitely cool enough to put my mom out of a job.

11 Creative Chore Charts Kids Will Love

Kids Chores

No matter the age of your children, there are fun systems and reminders to get those chores done. I have rounded up a few chore charts kids will love to use.

For Toddlers and Pre-Readers

Creating visual charts is especially important for this age group. They can be more independent filling out their charts, and moving to another task with visual reminders.

Keep it Simple

This cute printable  will appeal to your little people. Simple stickers like stars, happy faces and dots help them track what they have accomplished.

Hint: Take a trip to the dollar store with your little one to let them choose the “completion stickers.”
sticker chart

Calling All Heroes

Appeal to their inner superhero with these customizable charts for boys and girls. This doesn’t assign particular chores, but tracks star stickers as kids help out in different ways.

Hint: To help them have quick success, offer little incentives for every 10 or 15 stars they receive.

Superboy Chart

Magnetic Tray

Love this idea using a cookie tray with magnetic tasks. Kids slide their magnets to the “Done” side and track their progress.

Hint: Make sure you INSPECT what you EXPECT. It’s important to call kids to an age-appropriate level of excellence.

cookie tray



For School-Aged Children

Pick an idea that suits their personalities and get the kids involved in creating the system too.

Clipping Clothespins

Customize clothespins for each child with washi tape or by dipping the ends in paint. Put chores you want them to do on top of the board and they clip them on the bottom once the mission is complete. See at a glance what still needs to be done.

Hint: Keep your chores system in a main traffic area so it won’t be forgotten.


Counting Pebbles

This chore chart is so pretty, I just want to hang it as artwork. Sure to inspire you crafty moms! Each completed task earns a pebble and there is a prize when the jars are filled up.

Hint: Don’t attempt something complicated like this if you have trouble finishing projects. Go for  a simpler system that will get done.

Daily Job Zones

Train kids to be responsible for an entire zone and use this to assign new zones each week or month. Definitely going to try this idea because I have a lot of kids to cover a lot of zones.

Hint: Allow kids to trade zones on a particular day as long as the negotiations are fair, and you are informed in advance for accountability.

Chore-Challenge zones

Pretty Blocks

If you want to leave your chore system accessible, why not make it pretty? For an easier idea, adapt this idea with mason jars for a similar effect.

Hint: Perhaps your entrepreneurial child would love to build something like this and sell it on Etsy.  Life lessons come in the most unexpected ways.
using blocks

Work for Hire Board

Once regular chores are completed, add a few paid tasks with this work for hire board.
Hint: We can only teach our children how to manage money if they have some funds to manage.
work for hire board

Punch Cards

So many ways to use these punch cards. This blogger included blank cards that can be customized as you see fit.

Hint: Punching holes as items are completed will be fresh inspiration for chore routines. There are also Summertime cards you can print from this website.
punch cards

Mama’s Revenge

Have you ever wondered how to get older kids accomplishing tasks at lightning speed? Try this brilliant idea requiring a few specific tasks before passwords are handed over and watch those kids get moving.

Hint: This would work especially well for larger jobs that require kids to work as a team, giving them a united goal.


The House Game

Love this idea to make chores into a game the whole family can play. Going to try this to mix up our routine on Saturday mornings.

Hint: Making any task a game adds a light-hearted tone to dreary tasks, especially when parents get in on the fun.


Whether you do Saturday chores, daily chores or a combination of both, there is much children can learn from this practice.

Mary Poppins said it well: “A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.” Colours, graphics and moveable bits will sweeten the process of helping out around the house for any child. In fact, I might even make a chore chart to keep myself motivated.

What is your favourite idea for assigning and tracking chores?


  1. Julia @ Rock It Like A Mom

    I love this!
    Especially the work for hire one, what a fab way to combine accountability and money management! Just love it!

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