How to grocery shop with a list
How to grocery shop with a list.
Do you grocery shop with a list? If not, can I encourage you to give it a try? I promise that it will change the way you shop – for the better.
A shopping list is one of the easiest ways to lower your grocery bill, yet many people don’t do it. If you want to save money, don’t be one of those people.
Benefits of using a grocery list
- Save money – By only purchasing the items on your shopping list, you avoid those tempting purchases that you come across as you shop.
- Save time – Instead of walking through an entire store, checking out everything available, you’re in and out in a short time because you know exactly what you’re going into the store to buy. Once you find those items, you’re out of there!
- Make better choices – It’s common to go to the grocery store and purchase items that simply look good when you see them. But when you make a shopping list, you are thinking ahead, and this means you can make better healthier choices.
- Menu planning becomes easy – You won’t forget another ingredient again if you have a grocery list. When you make your menu plan, add needed items to your list and you’re good to go.
Click the image below for a FREE printable shopping list!
Download – Free Printable Shopping List
How to grocery shop with a list
Creating and using a shopping list is easy, but there are a few tips that make it just a little bit easier. Here are 3 of them.
1. Make it over several days
Add items to your grocery list when you realize you are getting low on them. Don’t try to create a list once per week and hope that you’ll remember all of the items you’re out of.
Stick a piece of paper on your fridge and write items down as you need to throughout the week. On grocery shopping day, you can create your master list from those items, as well as anything else you want to pick up.
2. Check out the sale flyers
Although not necessary, I do recommend checking out your local sale flyers before you create your shopping list so you can stock up on items you use a lot of. Looking at sale flyers is also a great way to see which items are in season and at their lowest price (usually).
Many stores now allow price matching, so don’t think that you have to run all over the city to pick up just a few items at multiple stores. You can make one shopping list and buy everything at one location.
3. Plan your meals
Whether you plan your meals for a week, two weeks, or even a month at a time – menu planning is something that will save you some serious money. It will also help you to create a grocery list much easier.
Once you have decided what your menu will be, check your cupboards and fridge/freezer to see what items you already have to use for those meals. If you’re out of an ingredient, add it to your grocery list.
For more tips on menu planning, read this: How to Save Money With Menu Planning
I cannot stress enough the importance of a shopping list. When you grocery shop with a list, you are setting yourself up for a successful shopping trip. Saved money, less wasted time in the store, and a stress-free (for the most part!) grocery shopping experience.
The next time you think about running out to grab “just a few things”, stop, think about what you really need to buy, and make a list. Don’t ever go into a store without a shopping list and a clear picture of the items you plan to purchase.
I actually make my list organized by store and then stack every thing in my cart by store to make price matching easier. I try to make each list produce, grains, meat, dairy.then other items because that is how I walk through my main grocery store but that does not always work but as long as I check things off as I go along i may have to back track but I dont normally for get anything and every thing normally gets price matched properly.
Always make my shopping list as the flyers come available online lol & get my coupons ready & off we go! So much easier!
I plan my meals around the meat sales…so if lean ground beef in on sale I stock up to make chili, sheppard’s pies, meatballs, hamburger patties etc. or Roast beef & make a stir fry with left overs! 🙂
I faithfully use the list that you provided Cassie. I love the fact there is a spot for checking “Coupons” and “Price Matching.” It makes the whole process of saving money at the till quicker, and the cashier happier that it’s so organized. I thank you for Cassie! I can also attest to the fact that one DOES save money using a list. I have been able to cut my grocery bill down nearly 50 percent.
I am late on this, but just found the email now. (Have been going through some rough times.) Anyway, I do make a list! However, sometimes, I forget to look at it and think I know all that I am buying and then get home and realize I missed something. That is foolish of me and I now try to look at the list better. I might try printing your shopping list and if it isn’t too big, will try it. Thank you.
I have mine on the fridge too so if I run out of something I remember to add it right away. Also sometime in the week (usually Wed. or Thurs.) I’ll go through cupboards, fridge, freezers, pantry and add things I am running low on. When the flyers come I compare my list to flyers. If an item from my list is in a flyer I’ll put name of store behind it. if item not on sale see how desperately I need it or if it can wait
I have a big peel and stick whiteboard by my fridge so anyone can add things when they notice them. I create a list from that, and then I take a picture of the whiteboard just in case. 🙂