How to Save Money » Frugal Living

How to Win at Price Matching in Canada

When shopping around for the best deals, price matching is your best bet. This will absolutely help you when finding deals and turn you into a savvy shopper.

The bonus? It could save you some serious time. Read on to find out what is a price match and how to get started.

Tell Me More

Essentially, price matching is where a store agrees to match a lower advertised price from a competing store. As in, that store will let you buy the same product for the lower price.

The idea is that these stores are really keen on making sure they’re offering the best deals (duh, they want to profit!). To stay ahead of the pack, large stores will offer to price match so that they’ll keep business. Furthermore, it’s hard for them to know whenever a competitor changes their price, so they offer you the opportunity to do so.

It’s pretty awesome if you think about it – you get a lower priced product without needing to go to another store, and the store gets your business.

Keep in mind that not every store does this and even if they do, their policies may differ. For example, some stores will refund the difference from an advertised rate, whereas others will only honour it if you show them the lower price right when you make a purchase.

Different Types of Price Matching

Why yes, there are different types of price matching in Canada!

Again, different stores have different price match policies, so you’ll need to check to make sure. Typically though, price matching will be one of the following types:

  • Rewards – Some stores will offer rewards in addition just giving the lower price.
  • Standard price match – A store will just match the lower price from another store
  • By percentage – the store will beat another’s store price by matching it, then lowering it with a certain percentage.

Can You Really Save Money this Way?

In a nutshell, yes. First off, you’re saving time, especially if the store with the lower price is pretty far away. Secondly, if you can find a place where they price match and offer additional discounts or rewards, you’re saving even more money.

However, it may not always be worth your time unless you’re going to be saving significant amounts of money. As well, you’ll want to know what each stores’ rules are before going off and trying.

Granted, each store has different requirements, so you’ll want to look it up before you go. For example, many brick and mortar stores won’t honour prices found online.

Other restrictions include:

  • No rain checks
  • Ads need to be in the same area
  • You’ll need to provide the original copy of the ad/flyer
  • Special deals (e.g. Buy One Get One)
  • Clearance products
  • Free offers

How You Can Price Match

Price matching seems pretty easy, but it may not be as smooth of a process. To increase your chances of success, you’ll want to make sure you’re well prepared, be confident and do your research before heading to the store.

First, read store flyers as soon as you can when you know the item you want to purchase. There are many websites you can check out or even check your mailbox if you get some mailed to you. You want to do this as quickly as you can because if the advertised deal is really good, the store in question may not have in stock soon.

Yes, you’ll need to make sure the item is in stock at both stores – at the one you want to buy at and the competitor store. Next, you’ll want to see if the model number (it’s not enough to just get the product description) matches. You may need to do some digging online to see if this is the case, or else it’s usually in small print in the physical flyer.

Then you’ll want to look at the price matching policy at the store in question. First, do they even have a price matching policy? What do you need to get the actual price match? For example, some stores will need a physical flyer while others are OK with the original source from your smartphone. This is also a good time to check other stores, especially if there are multiple stores with the same item. That’s because you may be able to save more such as if a store price matches and gives an additional discount.

Once you have all you need, gather it all together before heading to the store. As in, bring the entire stack of flyers or have on hand the website on your smartphone. You could even print out the price matching policy for the store you’re going to. Seriously, you can never have too much! As they say, it’s better to be over prepared.

Once you’re ready to head to the store, you’ll want to be confident and calm. If you’re confident, you’ll be more likely to stand your ground, even if you get a no. If you’re calm, you’ll be less likely to act like a jerk, losing your chances of getting those savings.

All you need to do at this point is get the item you want, had to the cashier and provide all proof of the price match. If the cashier denies you, feel free to head to another one. Don’t be afraid to speak to a manager if you need you. If you’ve really done your homework, you could be more knowledgeable than the cashier. Again, be calm, state your intention and back up your claims with proof.

Unfortunately, not all managers are nice either, so you may need to call the head office to speak to someone there. It may not always happen, but it never hurts to have the number of the store’s head office with you just in case. Luckily, in most cases it could just be a miscommunication.

Other things you can do to make the whole experience more smoothly:

  • Try to match multiple items at a time. If you’re doing so at a supermarket, try to divide the items into two piles: ones at regular price and ones with price matching. That way, you’re organized and save you time. You won’t make anyone annoyed, such as the people in line and the cashier.
  • Shop early in the morning to avoid crowds and ensure the manager or cashier is in a better mood.
  • However, busy times may be a good idea too as the store may be overwhelmed and will give the price match much faster to keep up with the lines.
  • Try different types of stores. For example, if you’re looking to price match for a tool, try places like gardening stores instead of just places like Canadian Tire or Home Depot.

Stores that Price Match

Below are stores that price match in Canada. Make sure to click on the link to read their price match policies:

Grocery Stores


  • Designer Shoe Warehouse – matches competitor prices
  • Adidas – get a price adjustment within 14 days of purchase
  • Reebok – get a price adjustment within 14 days of purchase

Department Stores



Home and Garden

Children and Pets

Should You Give Price Matching a Try?

Price matching is great as it can save you some serious cash. Sure, it may be just few dollars here and there, but that can add up. Also, if you’re thinking of purchasing a large ticket item, you could be looking at hundreds of dollars saved.

The idea is to get into the practice of price matching. It may seem overwhelming at first, but it’ll be worth it. Just do your research, be prepared with the store policies and keep pressing for your savings.


  1. Jessica

    Just wondering where you got all this information from.. I’ve price matched at RCSS for multi-buys, baby cereal, and household wipes??

  2. Cassie Howard

    This information was gathered through flyers, phone calls and online guarantees. The RCSS guarantee is posted in their flyer and online at

  3. Marg

    Thanks for a posting,, this one is hitting the bookmarks. Thanks for doing all the research for us!

  4. Theresa

    What is shopper drug Mart Policy, I am looking for something on Sale at Rexall will they match it at Shoppers

  5. Cassie Howard

    Marg – I’m so glad this is helpful to you. 🙂

    Theresa – Shoppers Drug Mart does not price match.

  6. sherri

    you are a life saver iam soooooo glad I found you.

  7. Ann-Marie

    Cassie, I price matched at Walmart last weekend and I was astounded as I saved almost $14! I hope to save even more in the future 🙂 I wish I knew about this years ago! I have printed your price match list for my new binder. (Also gave a copy to hubby as he is a Canadian Tire, Loews and Home Depot man! LOVE, love, love all of your advice – keep up the good work!

  8. ellie


    i just went to walmart with safeway’s flyer but they said that they do not PM to anything from safeway and shoppers and such because they are “club” price.

    is that correct?

  9. Cassie Howard

    Ann-Marie – Thank you! I’m glad you are enjoying my posts. 🙂

    ellie – They were incorrect.

  10. Vicki

    when you note that Walmart will take competitor coupons does that mean the ones I find at the RCSS or Zehrs I can use at Walmart?

  11. Jenny

    wow. thank you for this!! this is awesome. i’ve never pricematched because i never really knew about ‘regulations’ and whatnot. this is so handy. thank u!

  12. Shakeel

    Hi Everyone,

    I just wanna let you everyone know about NO FRILLS “WON’T BE BEAT” policy. They do not match any chinese store price, they do not match more than five flyers and I wonder they dont match zellers. The store manager of NO FRILLS said that zellers is not our competitors. This is just a gimmick to attract customers and when you ask for price match they do have so much arguments.

    So I just say, they don’t act what they say, they just have slogan WON’T BE BEAT”, you will be disappointed at NO FRILLS.



  13. ellie

    I phoned Walmart manager just now, and she told me to bring the products back with receipt so she can refund the difference. She was very nice about it too! 🙂

    Thanks Cassie! You are so savvy!! and informative 😉

  14. Julie

    Can produce be price matched?

  15. dawn

    I checked with my local FreshCo and they will match but only 2 times per item and they will beat it by 0.01 but they will not maych prices with Shoppers Drug Mart and Giant Tiger. This is info from my local store in Windsor, Ontario.

  16. Ashley

    Thanks for the video! I used to feel like I was inconveniencing them and/or holding up the line for PMing… but now, forget it(!) I’ll PM whatever I can 🙂

  17. luv2shop

    Thanks Cassie for the video – it’s been very helpful!

    P.S. I love seeing your stockpile behind you! 🙂

  18. Michelle

    if I price match at walmart will they also let me use a coupon? I have a good deal on cat litter I want to go pick up at canadian tire but I’m not sure if they’ll let me use the coupon too.

  19. Jjubetwins


    I just noticed that Future Shop and Best Buy have the same text in your post. Is the Best Buy policy poste correctly?

    RCSs only matches those items? I thought they pm’s pretty much anything?

  20. questiongurl

    u know how SDM has those items that are sometimes like sunday and monday only?

    if i were to go price watch at walmart with the SDM flyers for the item that is featured in their “sunday/monday” special, will i only be able to PM at walmart on those two days? or for the rest of the week as well?

  21. Jeanna

    Cassie, the Future Shop in Victoria, BC will not just price match items, they will also give you the 10% difference- now. Your text says they do that if you had already purchased something within 30 days. Also I have PM’d several items at Future Shop that WalMart was currently selling cheaper (not in ad). They simply called the store to confirm price & if it is currently in stock and gave me price-10% difference. I wonder if that’s only that certain store?
    Office Depot- they’re closing all of their stores in Canada by June 11, 2011. Or did you mean their website (which will be still open)?
    Thank you so much for doing the research for us. It is greatly appreciated 🙂

  22. Jeanna

    Love the idea of circling the item in the ad & noting the quantity. When I used to PM years ago (SOF used to PM, but the one in Victoria stopped years ago and they weren’t on your PM list), I could never find the item I was price matching in the ad and people would get so mad. lol. 🙂

  23. Angela

    After being a home daycare provider for 20 years and retiring in November, I headed off to work at Walmart (my ever so favorite store!!).

    I tell the customers..’we may not be able to be ‘extreme coupon’ like the Americans, but we definitely can be extreme prime

    I have saved 60 dollars a week from price matching.

    Julie asked if we can price match produce, the answer is yes.

    Some think they have to customer service to price match.

    The cashiers at the check outs can help as long as you bring the flyers.

    Someone stated about ‘holding up the line’..I tell my customers..”if they are willing to pay your bills, than fine, until than, we all have to save money to help pay the rising costs’…

    It really doesn’t take that long at the check out to price match items.

    I was planning on doing my own you tube video soon to share with my followers about price matching. Not only does it save you money at the store, it saves you gas from driving to all the other stores and save you time.

    I keep saying..our time is money also.

    Blessings smart wise lady!!!

  24. Angela

    Actually, many of the cashiers will prefer you price match first..It helps keep the print out we need to take out a lot shorter than at the end.(Cashiers are required to keep a slip of all price matched items, and the list of stores) I know many customers are concerned about environment, (plastic bag use and such)…so this helps save on paper…

  25. Angela


    I forgot to mention about the slip once we finish the price match at the check out. The cashier than needs to make a notation on the slip where the price match starts..At times when it is at the end of the slip, and it’s a loooooooooooong one (since we are becoming extreme price matchers here in Canada,,yahoo..gotta love it!), it can be difficulty to find where it started (or it can just be me having the hard time,,lol).

    I LOVE telling customers are price matching, especially when I see them come in with all the coupons. I just told a customer last night about it. She had no idea. She had two binders filled with coupons, all dated and organized (must have found you Cassie,,lol).I explained what Price Matching is and I told her I hope to see her next week with all the

  26. Erin

    Hey Cassie – Thanks so much for all your help!! You are definitely helping our family save a TON of money. I also wanted to say – that is an AWESOME tattoo!!

    Have a great weekend!

  27. Ashley

    @Jjubetwins: Best Buy & Future Shop have the same policy, they are owned by the same company (I used to work for them).

  28. luv2shop

    Wow Angela, you’re such a great cashier!! I love your attitude!! You’re probably one of the very few cashiers who seem happy to see us couponers and price matchers! Everyone I encountered so far seemed less than thrilled when we have some coupons!

    I went to Walmart last night and I had about 7 coupons and one lady in the line said “Extreme Cpuponing not allowed”. As if we could do anything similar to what the Americans do.

  29. Erin

    @luv2shop – I would have told her that nosey people weren’t allowed in that line. lol, can you you believe how some people can be so dumb?

  30. Linda

    Great tips Cassie!! I thought you couldn’t price match weekend only specials at Walmart and Zellers. Price matching has saved me tons of money.

  31. Lori

    questiongurl – yes you would only be able to pm those items on sun and mon at wal mart

    you can price match produce and meat too

    vicki – when you use a comp. coupon they over ride the price instead of treating it like a pm, expect the cashier to give you a hard time though as most don’t know that wal mart accepts comp coupons, i didn’t and have been employed there for four years

  32. Cassie Howard

    Vicki – Yes, you can. 🙂

    Ashley – More people price match than you think, so many cashiers are used to it. 🙂

    Julie – At Walmart, yes! Meat too. 🙂

    luv2shop – Thank you!

    Jenna – I actually just started doing this a few months ago and it has helped tremendously!

    questiongurl – You will only be able to price match on the days thatthe item is on sale.

    Angela – I agree. If people get upset that it’s taking awhile to ring through coupons or price match, I tell the people behind me that if they want to pay for my groceries, I won’t use the coupons/price match and things will be faster. I always warn people behind me that I will be awhile if I have lots of coupons to use. If they choose to stay, well – they can’t say I didn’t warn them!

    Erin – Thank you so much! I am so glad that I am hekping your family save. 🙂

    luv2shop – Wow, that was very rude of the lady to say!

    Linda – I have never had a problem doing it. 🙂

  33. Cassie Howard

    Jenny – I’m glad it is helpful to you. 🙂

    Shakeel – I am sorry you have had such a bad experience price matching at No Frills!

    ellie – That’s great! And aww thank you. 🙂

    dawn – That’s interesting thet they said they will not price match those stores. I would confirm with head office to be sure.

    Michelle – Yes, you can. 🙂

    Jeanna – It may be that particular store.. or maybe they just forgot to mention that to me when I called head office. As for Office Depot, this is for the store. I posted that for people that plan to shop there before June 11th. 🙂

  34. Theresa

    I love price matching. I just started doing it this past year. Walmart is the best for it. At the No Frills near me they used to have to get a manager to come approve it, which of course held up the line.

    I could care less what people think of me doing it. I want to be a good steward of our resources and not pay more than I have to.

    You have inspired so many of us.


  35. amanda

    weird,i went to price chopper and they told me they dont price match

  36. Cassie Howard

    amanda – They should have allowed you to price match. FreshCo advertises in their flyer and website that they price match.. and Price Chopper IS FreshCo.

  37. isabel

    hi the other day i went to price chopper and planned on price matching a few items i was purchasing while i was there. i was told price chopper does not price match which shocked me so i went to thier website and email them about it. i received an email in return that states price chopper does NOT price match. by the was i live in london, on.

  38. Tine

    Hi, i have a question. For Example the ads in sobeys says Catelli is 3 for $5, can I price match it in walmart?

  39. Cassie Howard

    Tina: No, they would not price it, because it’s not a specific price.

  40. Krystle

    Here’s the deal with No Frills. Each No Frills store is independently owned so therefore each store has it’s own price match policy. I learned this because the No Frills near my mother’s price matches tons of stores including Shopper’s. When Shopper’s had Cottonelle toilet paper on sale a few weeks back that when used with a coupon got 12 double rolls for $1.99 I wanted to get a few and Shopper’s was all out. So I went across the street to the No Frill’s (by my mother’s) and picked up one there no problem. A day later I ended up with another of the same coupon and decided to grab one more so I went to the No Frills close to my home and got up to price match and was told they don’t price match Shopper’s. This is where I learned that each No Frills price matches different stores. The one near me doesn’t price match many stores at all. They do Metro, Price Chopper and Food Basics as well as some local Asian market. Then there is one between my home and my mother’s which price matches Metro, Food Basic, Price Chopper, RCSS, Highland Farms, and Wal-Mart Superstore. Then the one near my mother’s does every store you can think of!

    So what you want to do is ask your No Frills which stores they will price match and make note of that. They usually have a sign near the entrance that says it but not all of them do so you might need to speak with the manager, who is usually up by the front, past the checkout at a little podium thingy.

  41. Mel

    What if you buy something and less than a month later they lower the price signifigantly. If you request it, will they ever give you a discount on what you’ve already purchased?

  42. Cassie Howard

    Mel: Most stores will only allow this for 1-2 weeks after the purchase date.

  43. Mel

    Thank you. I appreciate knowing about these things.

  44. Sharon

    HI- Wondering if you can tell me what retailers accept coupons printed off of the internet. I was at Sobey’s last week and was told they do not accept them, and at Metro this morning I was told the same thing. The bar code on the coupon was very legible, but they would not accept them.
    Thanks for all of your hard work!

  45. Cassie Howard

    Sharon: Walmart, Zellers, Loblaws, Zehrs, Real Canadian Superstore, Fortinos, Your Independent Grocer, Shoppers Drug Mart, Co-Op, Giant Tiger, Highland Farms (except “FREE” coupons), Longos, Valu-Mart and Thrifty Foods

  46. sandra

    This spring we purchased new appliances at future shop & I priced matched plus got 10% of the difference on the price/ also received a discount when I told them their insurance was more expensive then other stores..
    I did have a problem with wallmart when I first started couponing/because a smaller bottle of mouthwash was attached to a larger one ,they told me my coupon was not good. Next day arrived with my policy & got 3 bottles of mouth wash with my coupons. Print out each store’s policy so you can show in writing. Have had no problem since even when buying garbage bags with printed coupons. Great saving there as you get $1.50 off !! Buy box of 30 for $4.48 minus coupon plus tax you pay $1.33 per 10 bags Great work you are doing Cassie TY

  47. Krystal

    I am new to the world of Price Matching and couponing, I just wanted to ensure that I am understanding correctly that only diapers, wipes and formula are price matched at Superstore.

  48. Cassie Howard

    Krystal: That’s what I was told when I contacted head office. However, some people have been able to price match other items.. it might be best just to call your local to store to see what they will allow price matching on.

  49. Georgina

    Today, I went to get some items at Zellers the lady told me that now when they PM you can not use a coupon towards that item 🙁 No point Price matching there anymore unless you have no coupons for those items. Also, I went to Freshco and was told I can not price match SDM or Giant Tiger. So, I had to go else where for these items 🙁 not happy as they said they will beat anyone’s prices. I thought they would have when it’s only 10 mins away. I find Walmart is the best to Price Match and Coupon at and Loblaws is my second choice if just couponing (especially at the self serve).

  50. Patti

    Zellers new policy states that you can use a coupon with a price match. I did just that 2 days ago with no problems

  51. Barbara

    Real Canadian Superstore in Brockville has been price matching not only baby items, but everything since Christmas. They were doing it for the holidays and then just kept going! I have no idea if all of the stores are doing this or not.
    *they do keep your flyer, though

  52. Irene

    HI I would just like to mention that yes No Frill’s does price match but not with their stores that are connected as in Fortino’s and the Superstore

  53. Janine

    When I’ve gone to no frills, I have price matched other stores under the same banner, they have always told me they price match any store as long as you have the flyer, the one I go to in Hamilton will only price match 4 identical items though.

  54. N

    Thanks for the concise summary!
    FYI…. I went to price match an item from Shoppers Drug Mart at Freshco and they told me they don’t price match with them b/c they don’t consider them competition. They’ll only do it with other grocery store flyers.

    Walmart is the best for price matching and I can do my household and grocery shopping all at once!

  55. Mat Smith

    Staples Canada will only match pricing now.

  56. Crystal

    Can you PM Bogo’s or other similar deals? Thanks for the awesome info. Cassie!!! Keep it up 😀

  57. Crystal

    What about stores that have a deal but you need to use the store card to get the deal, can you PM those as well?

  58. Sameera

    I always price match at Walmart. Just few days ago I price matched Dempster’s Whole grain bread (High Land Farms – each @ $1.99) and then I also used a coupon (on 2 loaves of Dempster’s whole grain $1.00 off) and on top of it I used my employee discount …….. YAY!!! more money in my pocket. I go through the flyers, circle what I need and at the same time I write it on a piece of paper. I write down the store, the item I need with the discounted price and the Gram/Kg/L, that way I can quickly look at my list and find out if WM’s price is cheaper or the other store is cheaper without going through the flyer in middle of my shopping. At checkout I place regular price items first and PM last with the appropriate flyer. Again I refer to my list to see which flyer needs to go with which item. Keeps me organized and saves time.
    And beside watching the monitor at check out also check your receipt before you leave. I have been overcharged or undercharged few times…………………. Happy Price Matching Everyone!!!

  59. Leah

    Is Walmart the only place that price matches produce and meat ? And does the produce need to match the country of origin stated in the flyer?

  60. Sameera

    Beside Walmart RCSS, No Frills, Fresh Co price match items

  61. Cassie Howard

    Crystal: Nope, only dollar and cents offers. Also, no to the store card question.

    Leah: I have only ever done it at Walmart, so I can’t say for sure in regards to other stores, but I have not heard of anyone price matching meat or produce anywhere other than Walmart. Also, no, it does not need to match the country of origin.

  62. Saffy

    Ok! I think I am feeling brave enough to give it a try next weekend.

  63. Jan

    Today atNo Frills I tried to get a price match for grapes from Sobeys flyer. After the cashier spent a great deal of time comparing the grapes and the ad she gleefully told me that it didn’t apply since my grapes were from US and Sobeys ad said Mexico . It was as if the difference was coming from her pay check

    • lyn

      omg what ???grapes?? it has to be same product from same company

  64. Stephanie Hammond

    If I am price matching alot at walmart, we have a second cart for non- price matched stuff so it not so messy in the cart

  65. b

    I also write two lists…one has the items listed under the stores I am price matching (often colour coded…No Frills is black,Walmart is blue, Metro is red etc) and one grocery list that has all the same items, but is written in order of the store. I use the second one to shop, and the first list for check out.

  66. Lori

    I don’t put price matching in separate bags, I would need too many. I just keep all the price matching at one end of the cart. When I load the conveyer, reg. priced items all go first, this gives me a little more time to organize price matching at the end. I use my list(in alphabetical order Basics/No Frills/Walmart!) and grab all the things for each flyer together. I’ve taped the coupons onto the back of my list(done on spreadsheet) so when I peel off the coupon, I stick it directly onto the item(the cashiers love this!) It’s all organized by the time they come to the items at the end. The biggest tip is to get an english speaking younger cashier…..:)

  67. Laurie

    I do something similar, but instead of using seperate bags for price matching, I spread the flyers out on the bottom of the cart, put each item on the proper flyer that I am price matching. I also tape the coupon to the item as I find it in the store, that way the cashier sees it and I know that it is with the appropriate item

  68. Freckles

    I’m loving these tips ….. thanks to everybody who’s writing in to share!! I’m definitely going to adopt some of your habits!!

  69. Josie

    A note on separating into bags while you shop….

    Stores dislike when you use your bags while shopping. They want you to use their buggies or carts!

    This is a THEFT ISSUE! No matter who you are, what you look like, anything of the sort!

    If they see you walking out the door with bags, they are going to think you paid for those items. PLEASE don’t use the bag system, it will save the employees, and you, the hassle of approaching or getting a manager to “stalk” you until you pay for everything.

  70. Tracey Hoey

    I price-match at Freshco and they have 2-level carts. All of my price-matched items go up on top (each corner is a different store and I place the flyer under at least one item in that corner to hold it down) and all of the Freshco stuff (sale or regular) goes on the bottom. I start with the price-match stuff so the hard stuff is out of the way, then the Frescho items with coupons and then the rest (so I can relax at that point, not worrying about anything other than making sure the right price comes up). I love the idea of taping the coupons to the items–I’m going to start doing that!

  71. amanda

    I do a list for everything that I plan on purhasing on that shopping trip. I put a PM beaide the item and how many on the list.
    Then i have sticky notes I put on my binder pencil cases with each stores flyer and coupons in them. On the sticky note I write what items are being price matched and which ones also have coupons.
    I find check out to be the fastest part of my trip. When I gwt the the register I look for a younger cashier also, because they are more relaxed about the coupons.

  72. Julie

    I shop with my iPad, I just love technology. It makes price matching so easy! So, what I do is I already made a list in Notes of prices and coupons that go with them by store. In my Photos, I have shots of all the dates and items I’m matching. And in my binder the very front would be all the coupons I needed to use right away. I’m very organized. I let all the regular priced things go first so my boyfriend can bag them. Then, by order of my stores I match coupons or photos of the flyers one by one to the cashier. I try to get the one photo to include the date with the item, but sometimes they don’t have it so I take another shot of the first page with the dates. It’s really easy to just swipe to the next page on a big iPad and show them. Old or young cashiers, they’re both pretty quick!

  73. Karen

    Coming from a former Loss Prevention employee, Josie is right. It is not a good idea to bag your items in the cart to organize. It drives us crazy and a waste of time watching you when someone else is stealing. You know you are paying, but Loss Prevention doesn’t. And you never know when someone is watching you.

  74. Peeps

    I agree using bags might not be the best idea. But how about using bins like they have at Superstore? Store employees can clearly see what is in them.

  75. Roberta Schaus

    When I go through my weekly grocery flyers I write all the deals I will be price matching on the top of each flyer and star the items within the flyer. I then use these to compile a master grocery list. Once at the grocery store I use my master grocery list and keep my price matching items separate in the 2 tier grocery cart. Once I am at the check out I give the cashier all my coupons up front then I let them know I am price matching and I will leave those to the end. I can then take out my flyers and use the lists written on the top to separate the items from each flyer.

  76. Zoe Geraci

    I love price matching and am an employee for the real Canadian superstore, when I go through the flyers I make a list of everything on sale, I start with one flyer and make a note of the item name, size and price, this makes it easier to see if another store has the same item on sale and if it is cheaper(which happens, last week about five stores had snack packs on sale and they were all different prices) once I have a list (that also has a lot of things scratched off from finding better deals) I make my “master list”, the name of the store is blue and the information about the products is black, since I work at the store I also mark in blue beside each item where I can find it (ex. If bananas are being price matched I write “produce” in blue beside it) I makes my list seem more organized and I’m not running to the produce section two or three times because something was on my list and I missed it, I know everyone doesn’t know exactly where everything is in their store (neither do I haha) but if you write a general idea of where things are this will help make your shopping trip a lot easier! I also agree about the shopping bags, yes it is a very organized way but italy our job a little harder, we have to watch you a lot closer and takes a lot longer to ring you through, the bins are a great way if you want to be organized, I shop at the superstore and we have the double carts so all my price matches go in the top and regular items go in the bottom! Hope this helps…love all your tips!!

  77. Lynne

    I agree with the concern of using bags. What I do instead is divide my cart into “zones” with each zone representing a store flyer. I place each store’s flyer in their zone and then place the items I will be price matching on top of their respective flyers. when I get to the checkout, I unload the items one zone at a time and place the flyer on top for easy access.

  78. Renee

    I love the idea of using bags in the cart !! Thanks Cassie. My husband gets annoyed when I have to sort through everything before getting into a cue. When shopping with 3 babies its hard to keep the items to be priced matched from diff. stores in separate parts of the cart add to that coupon items, I always price match at Walmart and I have no problem with them checking my receipt on the way out, as the do sometimes already. and as a bonus it might remind me to bring my reusable bags better for the environment.

  79. Lauren

    I find most stores don’t even check the date of the flyer. Have you ever tried price matching with an old flyer? They usually do it so quickly at Walmart that you could use an older flyer and get away with it – but I am too scared to try! What are your thoughts on this?

  80. Cassie Howard

    Lauren: No, I have not done that, nor do I think anyone else should. That is against the rules.

  81. Nicole

    How do you get nice cashiers????? The last 3 times I have shopped I have had the rudest cashiers about my coupons! Twice at Safeway & once at Walmart…2 cashiers were young & 1 was over 60. I think I’m being a polite, organized customer. I usually ask them how they want the coupons, with the products or all once as each seems to have their own preference. I don’t think I deserve the rudeness & once a down-right dressing down for using coupons. This isn’t the first time either. I had problems last year with a particular cashier at Safeway a couple of times, but she has since left. Maybe its just a west coast hate for coupons????

  82. Jessica

    I’m fairly new to this but I’ve gone to two Walmart’s now and I don’t even have to show flyers. As long as it looks like I’ve written down store, item and price, they don’t want the flyers. They told me it just slows them down. They also said that they can tell if customers are lying. I still bring them with me, but I’ve seen someone push everything through, and pricematch with no visible flyers anywhere. I thought that was pretty cool.

  83. Lynea

    I have had issues with pming and then using coupons. Is there a listing here like your coupon policies that would be accepted by the store if I get into a dispute?

  84. Sandra

    Can you price match an item on sale at Shopper’s (for two days only) at Walmart during the week of the flyer or do you have to Price Match at Walmart on the only two days the item is on sale at Shoppers?

    • Cassie Howard

      Only during the time that the item is on sale at the other store.

  85. mel

    Will Walmart price match an ad online?

    • Cassie Howard

      Most locations will, but it`s best to call your store to find out for sure.

  86. Randy

    I just wanted to point out something about Future Shop’s price protect policy. “They will gladly refund you 10% of the difference” should be reworded to “they will gladly refund the price difference plus an extra 10% of that difference” or something along those lines. It’s the same as Canadian tires policy except we give the 10% in real money not store credit or “futureshop bucks” 😀 haha.

    **Ps every year starting the first week into November the return policy extends to January 6th EVEN on laptops and tablets etc.(not the normal 14) so when you buy in the beginning of November you get a whole 2 months to price shop!

    • Cassie Howard

      Thanks for sharing, Randy! I will change the wording on that now. 🙂

    • Leesasee

      I just wanted to point out that Future Shop’s policy does price match in “real money” as well, there is no such thing as “Future Shop Bucks” and the only reason they would do store credit is if you did not have your original form of payment, just as Canadian Tire would do

  87. Rachelle

    No Frills now will price match multi-buy items, as of last week. 🙂

  88. Paul M Walsh

    If you have a smart phone I use two great apps the first one has all the flyers its called reebee and the second app will send you cash if you buy the product of the week.Its called checkout51 cheers

    • sana

      Paul, I had Checkout 51 but this reebee is awesome. I just wish there was a way to remove the flyers you don’t use and select the items in the flyers that are added to the things you want to buy in a list or something.


      • Mohammad

        I’d suggest trying out
        Simplifies everything to a list, and makes sure you get always get the best deal.

  89. Amanda

    Thanks for the article! I’ve just been getting into pricematching and so far I love it! I have a question though- as far as you know, are there retailers that accept pricematching off an app? I know apps exist that show the weekly flyers page by page and the other day at Superstore, I saw a woman pricematching off her phone. I wasn’t sure if this was just an easy going cashier or if stores allow this now? Would be great if they did!

    • Andrea

      Hi Amanda. Superstore’s policy is that they will only price match printed ads. I have e-mailed them stating that they should change the policy for those of us who don’t receive paper flyers, but that’s the policy as of right now. So, they probably won’t accept an app.

      • Lindsay T

        My RCSS lets me pm from my rebee app, I’ve done it with many different cashiers without issue. I find it takes longer than just showing the paper flyer though, so I only do it for the flyers I dont receive.

  90. Trish

    I love price matching! I will definitely be trying the separate bag idea. Thanks!

  91. Roberta

    Great article! I’ve been price matching for over 2 years. Here’s some more tips for organizing your grocery trip:

    1) I go through my flyers and list the deals I want to price match on the top of each flyer plus star or circle the items within the flyer.

    2) Make my grocery list and note price match price and store on list (it helps to note the price because sometimes in store sales are the same or cheaper than other stores advertised prices)

    3) I put all the flyers I am going to use in with my bag of reusable grocery bags

    4) I go through the store using my grocery list and organize my cart by putting my price match items on the top of the grocery cart and non price matched items in the bottom (this works well with the carts in rcss and no frills)

    4) At the cashier I put up all my non-pricematched items first then I place my price matched items up one store at a time using the list written on the top of each flyer.

    This works well for me since some stores do not let you put items in grocery bags before they are paid for.

    • Karen

      Great suggestions to add to the post. Thanks for sharing.

  92. Brandy

    I love the suggestion of using different bags with the flyer on it. I have slowly been trying price matching and have gotten some good deals but always only did one or two items as it was to much work to match the items up to the flyer at check out, this was is an A-Ha for me. I am so trying this with my shopping trip on Friday. Thanks so much, I have learned a lot from your site and learn more each week.

    • Karen

      I love those A-Ha moments. Cassie has an awesome team that often helps me have those moments as well. Hope this will simplify the process for you.

  93. jo

    The first time I pm’d it was a bit intimidating but the cashier was very accustomed to it and put me right at ease. saves on gas and running around as some have mentioned. If you have a loyalty card with a particular store you may want to pm there instead of shopping at the other store. I try to use the same cashiers who have been adept at doing this in the past as it makes the transaction so much smoother. (Someone mentioned meat, yes it is hard to pm sometimes as wm has the premeasured pkgs.) I’ve pm’d for fresh fruit and veg too which is awesome.

  94. SC

    Great article, but I completely disagree about the bags. You shouldn’t be putting anything in a bag until it has been purchased.

    • Karen

      Interesting point. I have never had any trouble with this, but you could use the green bins if you feel more comfortable with that. They are just bulkier, but might fit under the cart too.

  95. Jennifer

    Love the article. My favorite grocery store unfortunately doesn’t price match anything except baby items (Independent) I go there because they have an excellent organic section and I love there meat and produce deals. When it comes to pantry items though I usually go to other stores. I always use a lot of coupons but don’t price match nearly enough but thanks to your article I will try out the bag method and see how that works for me.

  96. Mo

    love the idea of the bags with the flyers over the side! makes it so organized and easy to deal with at the cash! Great article

    • Karen

      Thanks-it really is the simple things that can make something feel do-able. Glad you enjoyed.

  97. Lori

    bag idea is supe! I also write the items on the top front page of each flyer, as for price matching from an app, Wal-Mart allows it as long as the date is visable

    • Karen

      Good to know – with all the money I am saving price matching, maybe a new phone is in order (especially so I can do checkout 51 rebates!)

  98. Karen

    To avoid that “flustered feeling” I have a master grocery list as well. Beside all items I write a code for which store I am price matching from and what the new price will be.
    i.e. FC (Freshco) $1.97 Yogurt.
    I can refer back to the master list as items are being rung in.

  99. Karen

    You are right that price matching meat can vary from store to store. Good idea to confirm the policy before going to the cash. Don’t want to make any customers mad lined up behind us 🙂

  100. shari

    I love PMing but definitely have a concern about your bag suggestion, most stores ask that customers not put unpurchased items in bags as reuseable shopping bags are a huge shoplifting problem. And as someone who previously worked as a cashier one of my biggest pet peeves was customers who handed me bags/baskets full of food and expected me to unpack it (I know I’m not alone, all my coworkers agree). I’d definitely recommend laying them out on the checkout

    • Karen

      Appreciate you clarifying, Shari. It definitely sounded like I hand the bag to the cashier. What I meant was that the contents and the flyer would be in one grouping for the cashier, but we definitely need to lay the items on the belt.
      And using bins in the grocery cart instead might be better with your shoplifting concerns.

  101. Harry

    this may be an off the wall comment and question – but I need to understand this – I can get an item at the store whether it is on sale or not and have it price matched with a current flyer? [as long as the store does pricematch]
    So, if I go to Walmart and their ‘butter’ is not on sale but I show that the same item is on sale at Fresco..I can purchase the walmart butter at the fresco price??

    • Karen

      Thanks for clarifying – all questions and comments welcome here! You are absolutely right. As long as the butter in the Freshco flyer is the same name brand and size, you would pay the Freshco price for the butter at Walmart. It’s that easy.
      And a lot of real savings comes from price matching produce as each flyer often has 3 majorly reduced fruits/vegetables.

  102. Linda

    I like price matching as well. I have recently started circling the items in the flyer as the tip suggests and that helps when making my list. This week I was very unorganized and was kicking myself all over the store for not bringing my flyers.

  103. Cidalia

    Good article but there are two things to note:

    1) As everyone mentioned, using shopping bags to sort is a big no no at most stores.

    2) Freshco will only price match with its majory grocery store competitors. It will not accept Walmart flyers or Shoppers Drug Mart, etc. Walmart, on the other hand, accepts any competitor’s current flyer.

    • Kimberly

      My Frescho will PM from Walmart

    • Lisa Anne

      Fresco everywhere will price match Wal Mart. See the policy that Cassie has posted for further details.

      • Cidalia

        Thanks! Will have to look into that. Still debating PMing at Freshco versus at Walmart Walmart (ease, limits, etc.)

  104. Maria

    I am a price matching junkie and can’t imagine grocery shopping without it. I do think it is really important to note that the items must be exactly the same as in the flyer, ie. same brand and size, and (for non-produce/meat items), they will only match to a specified price. I have never had a store price match a “2 for $x”, BOGO, % discount etc., so I think this is a fairly standard policy.

    Also for meat, if the flyer says “family” or “value” pack, you have to price match a larger package of meat – this may only be at No Frills where I do most of my meat price matching, not certain about other stores. For produce, I’ve had a cashier go so far as to say the country of origin had to match to the flyer….but this only happened once, I think at Walmart, and I don’t buy produce there very often so not sure if it was just an overzealous cashier or if they really stick to this policy.

  105. Maria

    A couple of key benefits of price matching that I have found are (1) better chance of getting the item/better selection and (2) better quality meat.

    I find sometimes the store that is carrying the sale, runs out of the advertised item, especially if it is the last day of the sale. By going elsewhere and price matching, you rarely run into this problem.

    Also sometimes the store with the sale doesn’t have the sale price on all “varieties” or flavours of a product; if this is not specified in the flyer you can sometimes get the sale price on a version/flavour that is not actually on sale.

    For meat, especially chicken, I sometimes find the quality not so good when it is on sale, especially at Metro and Sobey’s. So I get my chicken at No Frills, it looks much better with way less fat, but I get it at the sale price – sometimes it is half the regular price. Also sometimes the store with the sale only has the sale on the larger packages but doesn’t say so in the flyer (ie. this week at Fortino’s), so I am able to price match a smaller package of meat rather than having to purchase a large package at the store hosting the sale.

    (Note for newbies – I find at both Freshco and No Frills, the cashier has to call someone from the meat department to reprice the meat. It can be a few minutes sometimes. So I always hand them the meat first so they can ring in the rest of my order while the meat is being repriced. Sounds like a pain, and it can be, but the savings are HUGE!)

    • Karen

      Awesome points, Maria. Very helpful for newbies, especially.

    • CarolG

      you can take your meat to the meat department to have them mark it before you get to the checkout – that saves everyone time.

      • Cidalia

        A bit trickier to do at Freshco or No Frills since they don’t have a meat department counter. You would have to flag someone down or have them paged.

  106. Susan

    My FreshCo will only let me price match two of the same item, so although the other store might have no limit on the sale item, FreshCo will only let me get the two, kind of annoying.

  107. ninojolly

    most stores frown on you if you bag your items while walking throught the store, better off using a cart and just sorting out the items

  108. Lisa Anne

    When Cassie started price matching I followed suit. I have been doing it for about a year as well. All the points made are very true it is easy and it is a money saver etc. This is how I grocery shop, it only makes sense to save when ever you can. I love the idea of the bags to sort your purchases. I will be doing that from now on to help at the checkout. Just a final note the lady behind me today was rolling her eyes and giving me dirty looks as I did my price match and paid $56.13 for my entire grocery bill for the rest of this week. Her bill came to $97.81 and she had bought only a fraction of what I had purchased and not only that there was no meat in her order. I had meat that I had matched!!! It really works.

    • Karen

      I do get stressed out by the eye rollers!
      I try to give people a “heads up” as they line up behind me that I will be price matching.
      If I am very organized, and have a good cashier, I find that helps ease the tension.
      You are right – the savings on meat especially are amazing!
      Worth an eye roll or two, right?

  109. CarolG

    I’ve been price matching for some time. My daughter, a grocery store cashier, taught me everything I know! She prefers to have all the price matches together at the end of the order. I circle the items in the flyer and I also list them on the front of the flyer with the page number so I can find the quickly for the cashier. Everything I’m matching from one flyer is together on the counter.

    Note that the express aisle usually doesn’t price match, especially if it’s busy.

    As for the rolling eyes behind me? Ignore them! Go get em!

  110. Shannon

    I am not sure if all of you are aware, but there is an app on the Iphone called “Reebee” that will show you all the current flyers for your location. This has been very useful to me for the short time I’ve had it, as I live in an apartment building and I don’t receive flyers. Also, it is super convenient to have all the flyers on your phone rather than going through each flyer individually, either in paper or online.

    • Karen

      Thanks for the app tip – perfect for those who don’t receive flyers, or don’t have them on hand and pop into a store.

  111. Wayne

    I would like to price match but my spouse is very insistent that I only go to CoOp stores. Love your article. Blew me away. Big eye opener. where do you get these ideas.

    • Karen

      Is this THE UNCLE WAYNE of Alberta? So honoured you popped by the website. I do understand that your 5’1″ wife can be intimidating – even bossing you around in your grocery shopping.
      Don’t worry, your cost of living is about 1/4 of what ours is so you are living frugalling without following your niece’s Price Matching hints.
      As to my great ideas??? Must be genetic 🙂

      • Karen

        Oops – I meant ‘frugally’ not ‘frugalling’. Although maybe I’m onto something. Perhaps shopping wisely should be a verb. Hmmm….frugalling. The act of spending wisely. I like it!

  112. Judy

    I’ve been price matching for a few months now. The only thing I have had trouble with is organizing the different items I want to price match. Thanks for the tip of placing all the items for each flyer in a reusable grocery bag, that will make my organizing much easier. Why did I think of that, lol!!

  113. Julie

    Thanks for this article. I price matched for the first time this weekend and can’t believe how much I saved! I’ve been hesitant to price match for various reasons, and this article gave me the final push to give it a try. Thanks to the great tips provided here, I think the cashier would never had guessed I am new to price matching. The only thing I didn’t do was pack items into bags (can’t at my grocery store), but I did place them on top of the appropriate flyer. I will definitely price match in future 🙂

    • Karen

      Your comment made my day Julie. Sometimes we all need a little push to try something new. Glad to hear you are a convert.
      Might be fun to calculate your price matching savings over the next few months.
      Don’t forget to check out the flyer and coupon matchups if you are ready to take your savings to the next step.

  114. jessie

    Thank you very much for the tips on how to learn to do match ups, it is always good to read some advise from experienced money savers..
    thank you

  115. Brigitte Laing

    Instead of using the shopping bags to sort, I use the baskets for smaller purchases and place them in my cart…that way I see what it in them and don,t get anxious looks from store employees. I had seen this as a practice on one of those extreme couponing shows…:)

  116. Helen Boddy

    I price match regularly. This week I was shopping at Walmart and the cashier caught a few items that I had not thought of matching – thankfully I had the flyers that she mentioned and got the savings!

  117. Erin

    I price match all the time and one thing to be aware of is what stores carry which brands. When I first started I often got frustrated because I couldn’t find the item I wanted to match. I often still have to go to 2 stores to catch everything. Also most stores won’t let you price match meat at check out, find out the policy when you first go in to save yourself frustration.

  118. T

    Might be repetitive but I can’t adk my coupon lady right now…

    Can i PM 2 for $ (Sweet Baby Rays 2 for $2.98 have $2.00 couons)
    And IYO if its something we use lost is it better to get more (only $0.49 each) or get them totaly free but get 1/2 as much.

    • Cassie Howard

      Yes, you can price match a 2/$2.98 sale. As for how much to get, that will vary quite a bit between people. Get what you can use before it expires, but only if you can afford and store it.

  119. Annie Nonemous

    At my Walmart they no longer ask to see the ads and have even beaten me to the punch saying “They’re $1 at NoFrills” while I was still looking at my notes/list for the price.

    On the other hand my NoFrills and RCS pour over each ad with a fine tooth comb no matter how small the difference or how many customers are getting PO’d behind me as the lines lengthen. NoFrills is so bad they only match if the item is specifically listed or pictured so if there is an ad for Kraft Peanut Butter assorted varieties but only the regular jar is pictured, they will only match the price on the regular not the chuncky or smooth or other varieties. Same with coupons, they treat each coupon I hand them like it was a stick-up note. Sad really.

  120. helen

    I also write the page# from the flyer on my shopping list so I can easily find where the price is..if its a front or back page I will write fp and bp

  121. Lynne

    I have been price-matching for forever (thanks to Cassie!) I have two tidbits of information to add/share.

    1) Walmart does let you price-match meat, so that’s my favourite place to price-match! You can also price match store brand to store brand (even though technically they’re different brands). For example, I can price match a case of Life brand pop with a case of Great Value pop at Walmart.

    2) Regarding the system described in the article (with the reusable bags to keep things separate), I love that, BUT I remember when stores started charging for bags, they didn’t want you to put stuff in any bags until it was paid for (I would see signs to that effect everywhere!) My system is to lay out the flyers in my cart and place my items on top of it. That way, when I put the stuff on the counter to pay, the flyer foes right on top and it’s easy for the cashier to see my circled items.

    • helen

      that’s what I do as well 🙂

  122. Daina

    Better than Reebee for online flyers is “FlyerFlo”. You can clip parts of the ad out so you don’t have to flip through the online flyer, zoom in, and sort according to type of flyer

  123. Jamie

    Instead of using flyers, if I print the sale price from an on-line item, will that be enough to allow a price match? For example, there’s an item listed for sale at Toys R Us. I don’t have a flyer with the sale. But if I print the item page from TRU & take it to Canadain Tire to buy the identical item, will CdnT take the print off as enough proof of the lower price?

    • Cassie Howard

      Most stores are fine with this, but it’s best to call and confirm to be safe.

  124. Alysha

    I am confused on how to price match..for example.. every flyer has a sale. Can I only price match the items in the flyer on sale that week from store to store.. or does price matching mean.. if no frills has laundry detergent on sale that week but walmart doesnt, I can go to walmart to do my shopping and get their detergent for the sale price of no frills??

    • Cassie Howard

      Yes, you can only price match items that are in the flyer.

  125. Alysha

    even though walmart has it on for regular price?

  126. Dayna

    Can coupons be used on top of price matching?

    • Karen

      Absolutely – and that is where you can really see savings!

  127. Mohammad

    I’d suggest automating the flyer scanning process using
    Less effort required than rebee and flyerflo

  128. BJ

    I did my first price matching today at Walmart and it was awesome! Saved me $9.50. Definitely gonna do it again. Thank you for your tips!

  129. Allison S.

    I love to Price Match! the only thing is we don’t always get our weekly Flyers before the sales start, and the good stuff is gone by the time we may get the flyers. Then we don’t get No Frills Printed Flyer at all so we actually have to go there to get the flyer… Price match not needed.
    Superstore won’t accept Reebee, and you have to have the printed flyer only, Boo… but Walmart does accept Reebee My Favorite to price match Yay!

    • Louise

      Does anyone know if no frills and target accept online flyers or not?

      • Cassie Howard

        They do not.

        • Jen

          Superstore just accepted Reebee for me the other day…

  130. Nicole

    Is there ever a limit to how many you can buy at the advertised price? i.e. on sale at Target for $2, will Superstore honour it if I want to get 5 of the item at that price?

    Do you find that most cashiers actually know how to do this or am I going to be stuck in line with all my other items then have to go to customer service?

    • Cassie Howard

      Some stores have limits, while others do not. Check with your store before shopping.

      Most cashiers know how to price match. 🙂

  131. Sheryl

    I purchased 3 booster seats from Canadian Tire which were on sale that ended yesterday. Today, Walmart is advertising the same booster seats for $5 less starting today. Can I still request a price match from Canadian Tire as my alternative measure would be to purchase from Walmart at the lower sale price and return the Canadian Tire purchase for refund even though the sale at Canadian Tire is since over.

    • Cassie Howard

      Yes, you should be able to do that!

  132. Joey_G

    Reebee is good but just recently found Flipp … you can actually organize in a clipboard and more!

    • Cassie Howard

      Love Flipp!

  133. MsMarly

    Cassie, do you happen to have a list of the brands that stores typically carry, or a list of the ones they DON’T carry would be shorter I imagine. For example if GayLea sour cream is on sale at Food Basics, it may not be carried at another store that price matches. Hope I’m wording my question properly. Oh an another tip for price matching is to be careful of the size of the sale item. Walmart does not carry certain size of potato chip bags and therefore they won’t price match.

  134. Amanda

    I use an app called “flipp”. Its all the flyers in your postal code area. So when i get to the store and if i see an in store sale, i just type the item into the search, and see if I can purchase it for even cheaper. And sometimes stores dont all carry the same brand, so i can quickly look up if there is a sale for the brand the store does sell. Ie: black diamond or cracker barrel. With 4 kids, we try to save money as often as possible. Happy Shopping! 🙂

  135. Amanda

    Of course you can use coupons and price matching! Price matching is the stores sale, coupons are manufacturer sales. So double up and keep saving! 🙂

  136. Karen G

    Amanda: Thanks for the flip suggestion. That takes price matching to a whole new level. From another mom of 4 🙂

  137. Kirk

     want to do this so badly. I know a woman that is a pro and won’t show me how she does this. She just did a $ 700 haul for $70 dollars she gets these coupons then price matched on top of it vut I have no idea how. I would pay money to learn how to do it.

    Can anyone enlighten me on this. I read a bunch of sites but there is no real tutorial really.

    Thanks in any case.

  138. Julie

    I found the best app is flipp and the best stores around me to price match are superstore and freshco. The often know the sales already.

    I always feel good when I save money on my grocery bill.

  139. Sylvia

    I shop at Superstore and usually am able to price match my whole grocery list saving 30-50 dollars weekly using the app Flipp. Super easy. You can clip items for easy viewing. And you get previews of upcoming flyers.

  140. Nicole

    FLIPP is a god sent! Whoever created it, is a genius & makes my life soo much easier while price matching. I’m a soon to be mom with 3 other grown men living in my house and boy can they eat.

  141. Christy

    Walmart now except flyers nationwide in Canada. Quebec seems to have the cheapest produce prices.

  142. Wanda Lear

    My husband, who has been price matching here in Ontario for the past 3 or 4 years wishes they had price matching years ago when our children were young. On average, he saves anywhere from $30 to $70 a week on groceries and swears he’ll NEVER PAY FULL PRICE on anything ever again! Price matching has got to be one of the best money saving ideas that’s come about (in our collective opinion) in recent years. Of course, people standing at the checkout behind my husband are usually a tad bit irritated by the time it takes to price match but at least my husband is considerate enough to let them know he intends to price match beforehand. That way they can choose to move to another checkout if they like. An excellent way to save money, not just on groceries, but on everything else too. Do your homework and you’re guaranteed to save big!

  143. Cheryl

    Useful topic! We all like to know we’re getting the best price available.

  144. Carmela Doctor

    Do you have any suggestions on mobile apps to use to price match at grocery stores?

    • Barbara

      I use ‘Flipp’. I loaded it onto my smartphone. You can customize it to give as much or as little information as you want. If you enter your postal code ‘Flipp’ will show all the flyers in your area.
      When you go to your store show them the flyer price on your phone. That is usually enough to get a price match (if they do that).

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