How to Save Money » Coupons

How To Stack Coupons In Canada

*Please note that in the video I show a DOVE manufacturer coupon and say that you could probably use it on trial sizes. I should have read the back of the coupon first, because it says that it must be used on full-size products. I’m sorry about that!


  1. Jessica

    Thank you very much for this post. I cant wait to use the manufracture coupons with the coupon zone coupons at my loblaws….Yes more savings.
    I was wondering Walmart accepts the coupon zone coupons too right?

  2. steve

    that would be so great but they never allow you to do this in the stores. and since there is no formal coupon policy posted on there website thhey just say they dont allow that at their store location

  3. Leah

    Just a head’s up – I think the Dove coupons say on the back that they can be used for full size items only

  4. Helene

    It is awsome to be able to sort of stack in Ontario. The only thing is that on the coupon Zone coupons on most now it states “cannot be combined with any other offer”….

  5. Frugal Edmonton Mama

    The only thing is – that 90% of the coupon zone coupons now say ‘cannot be combined with any other offer! so RCSS isn’t allowing them to be stacked. I thought the Dove would be great for trial sizes too, but only full sized (: Love the video idea.

  6. Rebecca

    you can NOT do this in quebec!!

  7. Bette @ Frugal Mom X3

    i have three Loblaws/Superstores in my town and none of them allow to stack those coupons. I keep checking! Which is a real bummer!

  8. Linda

    I tried stacking the coupons for the scrubbing bubbles and even the ones for windex and none of the store will allow it. They all say you cant combine offers on one initial product, more than one coupon cannot be piggybacked onto one paid for product. Thats how they interpret it for the stores benefit. I talked to many manufactureres and they all say its to the discretion of the store.
    Cassie if you have a letter stating this is acceptable from the manufacturer can you please post it. It would help us out as I totally agree with you.

  9. Kim Roberts

    In what part of Canada can you use these?
    I have the advil $2 coupon in front of me from the tearpad in Superstore in B.C. , it says on the back “Cannot be combined with any other coupons or promotional offers”

  10. Sarah

    AWESOME video! I actually have most of those coupons so I cant wait to go to the store and use them! Like someone else has already said the Dove coupon is ONLY for full sized items (or so the coupon states) I was able to use it on a travel item though when I went to RCS last week, though. I had about a dozen other coupons in my stack and the cashier was a bit young and maybe a bit overwhelmed otherwise Im not sure if I would have got away with it. I say, just try it anyways! Whats the worst they can say? No?

  11. Patricia

    Can this be done at Diminion (Out here in the East) since it is a Loblaws sister store?

  12. Sherry

    The latest Loblaws coupon policy that I have says:

    “If any of the coupons you are redeeming (whether issued by the retailer or manufacturer) state “cannot be combined with any other offer” then you are not able to redeem a second coupon on that item or transaction.

  13. Penny

    Thanks Cassie, love your videos…seems to sink in better when I see something than when I read about it ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. chrissy

    I have a question about stacking anywhere. If the store is having a bogo offer and I have two of the same coupon for say $1 off can I use the two coupon and get $2 off the one product I have to pay for? Since I’m buying two products would that work? Also if I have a coupon for say $4 off a bottle of frebreeze then another one that said buy 1 febreeze get a frebreeze noticeable free could I use both coupons on the two products and get one bottle of frebreeze and one febreeze noticeables?

  15. Cassie Howard

    Chrissy – Yes! You can use a coupon for the free item also, since the store will be reimbursed for it. And yes again, you can use a $4 coupon on one febreze and the FREE coupon for the other febreze.

    Penny – I am the same way. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sherry – I was told by head office that that line applies to regular manufacturer coupons. If it is a STORE coupon that says “coupon zone”, you can use that one AND a different coupon (one that is not a store coupon) on 1 item, even if both coupons say “Cannot be combined”.

    Patricia – I do not have the coupon policy for Dominion, so I am not 100% sure.

    Sarah – Good luck, I hope you find some great deals!

    Kim Roberts – You should be able to find/use them all over Canada. That line means you can’t use more than one MANUFACTURER coupon on one item.

    Linda – Unfortunetely I do not have a letter about this from any of the manufacturers, as I tend to call them when my questions are more than just “what is your coupon policy”. I will have to shoot off another email to see what they say about this. If I get anything, I will post it.

    Bette – Dangit! Did you print the coupon policy?

    Rebecca – Quebec is usually different from the rest of Canada, for some reason. ๐Ÿ™

    Frugal Edmonton Mama – Head office told me that that line applied to manufacturer coupons only, not store coupons.

    Helene – Head office told me that that line applied to manufacturer coupons only, not store coupons.

    Leah – Oh geez, my bad! Thank you for pointing that out!

    steve – It would definetely be nice if they would post their coupon policy on their website!

    Jessica – Yep, Walmart does accept them now. ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Lattelady

    great work again ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Horseymom

    If you get a policy from RCSS please post. It would be handy to take in in along with the coupons incase you(I) run into problems with a cashier not allowing it.

  18. Elaine

    I’m new to couponing and to this site, so first I’d like to say how great I think your site is! So full of information (and coupons), I’m learning alot!! I do have a question… I have a coupon from websaver for a “Free Glade Sense & Spray Holder” and also a “Buy 1 Sense & Spray Get 1 Refill Free”, can these coupons be combined to get me both items for free? Or because technically I’m not “buying” the holder, it won’t work? Hopefully this makes sense!!


  19. Tracey

    I went to RCSS with the $2.00 dove coupons to go and buy the travel sizes. There is actually a full size stipulation on the back of the tear pad coupon so it was not accepted.

  20. Tracey

    Recently send email to RCSS. I got following message, in case someone need to against ur local RCSS policy.

    Good Afternoon,

    I am pleased to provide you with our coupon policy. We do accept manufacturer and internet coupons however they must have “To The Dealer or Retailer” text on them. Only coupons valid in Canada are accepted. They cannot be past expiration and the cashier must follow the exact instructions as laid out by the coupon. The disclaimer “one per purchase” or “one per customer” means only one coupon can be used per transaction regardless of the number of units you are purchasing. If the disclaimer reads “one coupon per item” you would be able to redeem as many coupons as units you are purchasing per transaction. If any of the coupons you are redeeming (whether issued by the retailer or manufacturer) state “cannot be combined with any other offer” than you are not able to redeem a second coupon on that item or transaction.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further questions.



    Sr Customer Service Representative LCL Companies

  21. Shawn

    Sherry/Cassie. I ran in to the same problem last week where i was not allowed to put two coupons together. I explained it to the manager, showed them the company coupon policy and he just out and out said no. Any ideas

  22. Cassie Howard

    Horseymom – I will, don’t worry. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Elaine – Thank you so much for the compliment! As for your question.. that’s a tricky one. The answer is yes, but I can see you get ALOT of crap about it at the store, so I personally wouldn’t try it. But they are technically 2 different coupons, so you should be allowed.

    Tracey – I’m sorry about that, I completely missed the size requirement on the coupon. I will make a note in the post.

    Tracey – Thanks so much!

    Shawn – Loblaws banner stores are not individually owned, so they should be going by what head office says (what’s in the coupon policy). I would contact head office if I were you, and let them know of your issues.

  23. Shawn

    ok thanks Cassie

  24. Candy

    How did you find out about whether or not stacking is permitted in your province? Is there a government agency you called, or is there a bylaw? I ask because I want to go through the same process so I can find out what’s allowed and not allowed in Saskatchewan.
    Thanks for your time,

  25. ellie

    Hello! thanks for the great post and also blogging all the great tips! ๐Ÿ™‚ i started reading your blog lately and it’s very useful and informative. i’ve always been a bit of a coupon lady but now i’m really starting to learn more and keeping my eyes open on the ‘sale trend’ ๐Ÿ™‚ Even my boyfriend started reading your blog to learn ๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks again~~

  26. Cassie Howard

    Candy – I called head office at Loblaws and they told me all Loblaws banner stores (RCSS, Maxi, No Frills, etc.) should be allowing the usage of one store + one manufacturer coupon per item.

    ellie – Aww, thanks for the compliment. I’m glad you like my website. ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. L

    I have never been able to stack coupon zones coupons with manufacture coupons at any zehrs i have tried ( i have just given up on trying now)
    the letter you posted from loblaws states if the coupon states

  28. Stephanie

    Do you have anything that says it’s ok even when the coupon says “cannot be combined with any other offer or coupon”?


  29. Cassie Howard

    Stephanie – Unfortunetely, I do not. I need to email them back to get a better clarification on this “stacking” rule.

  30. Sarah

    I’m curious, with the $2 off Dove WUB2 coupon does that mean I can use one coupon on each of the two Dove products I buy?
    Or can I only use one coupon per two products?

  31. Cassie Howard

    Sarah – You can use TWO of the $2WUB2 coupons, one of them a manufacturer coupon and one of them a store (coupon zone) coupon.

  32. Amanda

    just used the dove stacking combo at rexall, it worked I got them free, only paid tax.

  33. Steph K

    How would I go about obtaining Rexall coupons? You mention a Rexall coupon booklet in the video. Is this something that you need to pick up in the store? or do they come in the newspaper?

    Great website btw. Thanks

  34. Cassie Howard

    Steph – These are a part of their sales flyer and they usually come out every few months. I haven’t seen them in awhile, so hopefully they have them out soon!

  35. Melissa


    Just thought I would let everyone know that the Rexall coupons are now out! They are valid June 3- June 16.

    I saw lots of good stuff in them that go in conjunction with the brandsaver coupons!

  36. Cassie Howard

    Thank you, Melissa!

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